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Everything posted by Dutchrudder

  1. how do you not go for the force at home first???? god damnit
  2. Assuming he doesn't pitch any more, that's about the lowest quality quality start you can get. Lots of luck there, easily could 5 more runs for the Sox.
  3. The Rangers play 7 of their last 10 games against the Mariners, so that should be interesting. Astros lost the season tiebreaker over the Mariners, so they will have to beat them by at least 1 win. Up until this series 3 of the 4 best teams since the trade deadline were the Astros, Rangers and Mariners. It's gonna be quite a 3 way race down the stretch.
  4. Why? He's a sophomore in a slump year, give him at least another year to get better. Dude was nails in the postseason last year, and you aren't getting a better Shortstop to replace him, unless you think Grae or Dubon is somehow better.
  5. I'm sure the whole point of that was for him to insinuate that the Guardians players were at fault because they said mean things to him. He's trying to justify being the dumbass who put up his fists first, started the fight, and then got KO'd like a bitch.
  6. Nobody is mad AT Singleton, they are mad at Dusty for not recognizing his limitations (as well as many other players) and putting him 5th in the order last night. I think everyone would rather have Chas ahead of him. Probably Dubon and Pena too. The sad thing is they could have had Yuli as the backup 1b/DH for like 1 year and 2 million this year to help fill out the bench. He's not doing exceptional with the Marlins, but he's better than the jags they've been rotating from in from the minors.
  7. Seattle announcer: "And here's the guy who broke our hearts last year..."
  8. Why is Tucker not playing? Why is Singleton batting 5th instead of 8th? Wtf?
  9. You have a hot wife that sucks the life out of you?? Must be nice.
  10. Dana is a rookie GM, and he inherited Dusty and friends, so I don't think he will do a lot about it this season. I suspect they are having conversations in the background, but he's a professional and isn't about to air dirty laundry to make a point. When it comes time to choose a new manager and sign free agents, we should learn a lot about him. He's a big analytics guy from what I have read, so I think he will ensure Diaz gets the majority of starts next season, and he will find a like minded manager to work with. 🤞
  11. I don't know if it was for a max extension, but I believe that was the understanding when he took a 10 million discount for the team to sign PJ Tucker. And yeah, he chose money by opting into his 35m this season over playing where he wanted to go. Really dumb move on his part, I'm sure he could have fleeced some team for a lot more than that. Very happy to see Houston passed on Harden this offseason, supposedly Ime Udoka convinced management to do so.
  12. Is Grae really that slow? It wasn't even close at 1st.
  13. I can't imagine he would take that when the starting price is expected to be 10/500. Why take half as much when that's on the table? The Mets or Yankees might offer 600m, cause you know they both want to buy some championships.
  14. Does that actually work? I can't imagine the radio and TV streams sync up very well.
  15. We are really lucky the Angels didn't trade Ohtani and Trout for a boatload of good prospects so they won't be good for another 10 years.
  16. Wow, 5-9 batters are the Murders Row from the Thujone MS Paint drawings!
  17. ♪♪Your lineup is a wonderland... Damn Dusty, you frustrate me ♪♪
  18. Lotta hands and elbows being thrown around.
  19. Judging by the stats of his last 8 or so games, he's good for about 88-95 pitches or so, then you have to replace him. That's pretty standard for most starters, their arms get tired and lose a bit of control around 90-100. Inning count shouldn't matter, just gotta know when to pull them. It's a guy feeling thing, but maybe Maldy should make the call since he knows everything about pitchers.
  20. I'm surprised they are letting him pitch the 7th, he was at 88 pitches going into the inning, seems a bit dicey to let him continue. Probably will relieve him this inning.
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