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4th and 5

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Everything posted by 4th and 5

  1. Snakes are thick on the Pennisula for sure. Crossing over to surf or surf fish is an adventure and they rarely rattle. Hogs are some swimming bastards they haul ass. Deer too. I once saw an 8 point buck crossing by the cost guard station and he was moving even with those skinny ass legs. I saw a bobcat swim across army cut and he looked less than majestic when got to land. Pathetic looking and annoyed. I ran over 2 deer swimming the cut coming out of Pringle, got the boat out of gear but there was no way to stop
  2. If you are a criminal defendant, the last person you want prosecuting you is Lisa Tanner
  3. case dismissed against Baldwin, but not the armorer
  4. If the case was indicted within the applicable statute of limitations that existed at the time of the alleged offense.
  5. Use SLUGGO PLUS and they’ll be gone
  6. Miracle Gro once a week You need to plant bigger tomatoes much sooner. Once the lows are in the upper 70s-80s the flowers wont set fruit. You’ll have to hope for a cool June. Suggestion for next year. In February Buy tomatoes in 6 or 9 packs (cheap) then up pot them in DEEP plastic 4 inch pots (not easy to find), keep them in trays to be able bring in on cold nights. Use Miracle Gro for tomatoes frequently. You can use a dilute solution almost daily. Around March 10th, go for it. Plant deep in the ground with a little compost and slow release fertilizer. The pic above is 2 nine packs @$6.99 Lowes, got lucky, not a fan of their prices 9 singles @$1.49 HEB huge fan of their veggies and prices 3 tomatoes are from last year! See post on previous page, cut back and growing again $9 for seed potatoes
  7. if it's not a 10/22 or Mark series pistol, I don't want it
  8. how is Dan Snyder not a defendant??
  9. D not testifying is the general rule, but in a self defense case, in many cases the D has to. I've put my client on the stand before for self defense (NG) His earlier statement seemed to not justify self defense, which would need to be cleaned up. Of course, cross would be ugly, given his social media / phone data. A little to gain and perhaps a lot to lose. I don't second guess his lawyers, they are good. If I was the prosecutor, I would have hoped he did testify. Lots of ammo for cross.
  10. I grow quite a bit. Make sure it has excellent drainage and rarely water it.
  11. I just pulled the bones and shredded the ribs. 5⭐️ reviews from everyone
  12. Exactly, the front end sure looks more like a trans Pecos rat snake, and the markings are not quite what you would expect from a gopher snake. Also, the head just isn’t quite right.
  13. Same. I can’t come up with a better answer, but some thing about it gives me some doubt
  14. 4th and 5

    Led Zeppelin

    If your car is from this millennium, you should be able to play it on your phone
  15. 4th and 5

    Led Zeppelin

    Get in your car and turn this up to 11 Jimmy and JPJ just kill it
  16. at the time, the dishwasher was in the rinse cycle, and I was posting on surly
  17. I just put a load in my dishwasher.
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