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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Js1

  1. Texas wins 5-2 TK struck out 8. Mac got a save. Scott and Stewie hit bombs
  2. 5-1 TK seems to struggle third time through. I’d bring in Czech
  3. And it was a change up too, she knew what to do with it
  4. 2008 actually https://www.rumbleinthegarden.com/2008/09/08/give-that-fan-a-hand
  5. Then she’ll take you out back and put you down after
  6. Js1

    The Supremes

    Yes I endorse the catapult method for Trump. Send his fat ass to Siberia via catapult
  7. The ACLU is probably salivating at the lawsuits if the university goes through with banning all those students from campus
  8. Protest using your first amendment rights = banned from campus… Less punishment for sexual assaulting someone on campus
  9. Why watch the UT footage when they can watch whatever footage Fox News shows them and they can just apply it to every single protest?
  10. Well maybe, maybe not. 15 scholarships were fully used in 2023-23 Graduated: Gonzales (14) Transfer out: Faye (13), Gaston (12), Herron (11), Muhammad (10), Maul (9) Transfer in: Phelia (10) HS Signees: Carlton (11), Lee (12), Preston (13) There's 2 open 'ships and Texas will be looking to fill those 2 spots with 2 bigs
  11. She could be - I did mention that Vasconcelos (Baylor) and Barker (aggy) played at Montverde with Codio.
  12. Almost guessing no - as of now, our guards are Harmon, Booker, Jak, Holle, Phelia, Lee, Preston, Codio. I'm surprised Codio is sticking around (for now, portal still open for a few more days)
  13. Js1

    The Supremes

    Well it's not like SCOTUS lately has dealt in facts.
  14. Also it's just funny because you know the NYT newsroom and editor room is like:
  15. Not too surprised. She could barely get playing time. Don't think she ever regained her pre-ACL injury form from HS. Crowded backcourt - Harmon, Booker, Phelia, Preston can all handle the ball + Lee and Holle.
  16. Team Embiid with the PR move to announce he was treated for mild Bell’s Palsey after his Draymond-esque BS last night
  17. Cameron Williams is now following Coaches Wisdom, Lovato and Blair Schaefer. She is not the big visitor this weekend, she was here the same time as Phelia. https://www.michigandaily.com/sports/womens-basketball/cameron-williams-and-the-quest-to-become-michigans-next-big/ I repeat myself, but if our interior depth is Moore, Carlton, Williams, Jones and Barker, this team is going to be just fine inside, to pair with Harmon, Booker, Holle, Phelia, Lee, Maul, Preston on the perimeter.
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