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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by pyrohornIII

  1. And a pretty good documentary hit either Netflix or Prime recently that cast a much better light on Grant.
  2. Did Evans have any eligibility left? Would he take a bag? If the answer to either of those is no, then Sumlin knew what the score was and how valuable JF was without Evans to bail him out.
  3. Now THAT I would love to see at the bottom of every Dem ballot!
  4. The props are basically a free straw poll the Republicans do with their voters that is paid for by the Secretary of State and the counties. Also, it's a helluva propaganda tool to gin up their masses and give them free fodder they can scream about. On the other hand, the Dems quit putting theirs on the ballots starting in 2022, I think. They determined the long lines in the polling booths were partly because of people reading the platform. So, in the interest of speeding up the process and reducing the frustration of those waiting in line, they were omitted after Covid.
  5. And the incumbent Shawn Thierry in HD 146 needs to go. She's our own little Sinema. All her funding comes for far right groups. She's a blight. Lauren Ashley Simmons is the right person for that seat.
  6. I have met and visited with the bulk of those. Allred, Gonzalez and Hassan are the ones I haven't met. I'll preface it to say that ANY of them would be better than Cruz. While there's not a nutcase in the bunch, there's a definite horse race at the top. I don't know why some of these good people wouldn't run for smaller races like House districts or Congressional Districts. But I guess they feel the need to cut their teeth on something, might as well be the biggest bone. T Sadly, there is no mechanism in place to build a bench, which is what we need. There are different camps, but not one central alliance that charts a course. I won't deny there are power players, particularly in DC that push money into certain campaigns, but again there's not a lot of Texas influence going into those decisions. We are seeing that in the Senate race.
  7. Strays made me truly laugh out loud several times
  8. I don't mind Sark doing the narrating here. I want him to become the voice of UT when it comes to excellence and football. Might as well start now, since it's his voice the recruits are going to be hearing more than the MoC.
  9. Anyone who watched Parade's End on HBO want to explain it to me?
  10. Trump boasts so much about his brand. It seems like it would be taking a pretty good beating about now. How does that affect his overall financial picture? Will a reduction in the valuation of his brand be reflected in the value of his assets which then makes whatever he still holds worldwide seem to be a riskier investment for those who leant him money for things like the golf course in scotland, etc? Can those lenders now revisit those loans and renegotiate due to the fallout here?
  11. I searched but couldn't find a specific thread on this group. They fly pretty much under the radar. That's why I was glad to hear this group was forming and think their messaging might hit a note with some of you. Home - Find Out Pac Their video won't imbed here, but the link is pretty reliable. Here's a Progress Texas podcast interview that gets into the history, motivation and plans for this group. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/happy-hour-124-find-out-pac-targets-texas-supreme-courts/id1552998795?i=1000645075600
  12. They are better than those old corny Campbell soup ones. Not much, but better. That idea jumped the shark not long after it got started.
  13. You are right. VY actually started the first 3 games of the 2011 season for Philly. It was not a great team, and in 2012 Reid would be gone. So not sure how much was on VY's shoulders for the season, or the team overall. I'd forgotten about that.
  14. This made me wonder how things might have gone if Reid would have drafted VY. About that time is when McNabb was starting to lose a step. Could those two have won some superbowls together?
  15. I will not miss his need to make a nickname stick to everyone who comes on the screen. "Scotty Mac!!" You know he's the only person who ever calls him that.
  16. Just like there are a certain number of assholes, there are a certain number of women who think they can tame those assholes. It's a competition of sorts between women, I am convinced.
  17. UNION F.A.Q. – TSEU-CWA 6186 (cwa-tseu.org)
  18. I am anticipating that our rate goes up as more Sark years replace the Herman years. Lots of attrition in that transition. I would bet it's more Austin boat Parade than a Trump flotilla.
  19. The best thing that could happen locally would be to make all races county level non partisan. School districts and municipalities, service districts already are like that. Go with non partisan and ranked choice. The 134 PAC which is a Dem PAC west of 35 is pushing for ranked choice, but the parties won't support it. And your point about the ease of voting in the urban area holds water until you get into the historically blue sections of town. The recent election law changes have increased the hours and locations, but have not held the counties accountable for where they place the polling locations, nor for how many machines they put in them. And the Lege didn't grant any more funding to the SoS to pass down to the counties to pay for those new locations and hours, so they are having to cut early voting locations to fit the additional polling day sites into their budget. And finding additional election workers is a grind too. So it's kind of like micro gerrymandering. Your idea has merit and gets tossed around a lot, but there's still a loyalty to party that people have out of pride that keeps them from voting Red. They feel under attack and if and when they can vote, they will vote their party line out of protest and with the hope others are doing so. The strategy you suggest just isn't something they would ever think of doing.
  20. I agree with Bozo, it works better on a local level than it does statewide. The primary to replace Bryan Slaton, House District 2 had a 'jungle' primary. All candidates were on the same ballot, regardless of party. So that meant there were no individual party primaries. Texas does not register you as a D or R or L, that only happens when you vote in one of those parties' primaries. If you vote in the Dem primary this cycle, you cannot vote in any runoff other than a Dem one. And same for Red side. You cannot hold county or precinct chair positions or be a delegate to the state convention if you vote in a republican race. There are a few other implications, but those are the major ones. In a jungle primary there is no party association, so people can cross over during that primary. This happened in HD 2 where once the local Dem candidate, Kristen Washington, did not gain enough votes to make the runoffs, many of the local Dems went in and cast votes for Jill Dutton over Brent Money. Money had been endorsed by the 3 evil stooges. Money did not get sizeable donations from outside the districts, ala Dunn, Wilks or any others. I guess Abbott and his klan calculated their endorsement alone would win the day. So that was a short term win, and Dutton is no prize, but she's lengths better than Money. But now they are all on their party ballots again for the 24 primaries, and Dutton will serve out the rest of this term until 1/25 no matter who wins the primary now. Even locally like that, it was only like 100-120 vote difference. It will be interesting to see the results of a normal primary. https://www.texastribune.org/2024/01/30/brent-money-jill-dutton-texas-house-district-2/
  21. Fuck you. I generally always agree with your point of view, but you won't make me feel like some idiotic second-class citizen because I have to live in a rural county. This kind of talk that their votes don't matter has been driven into their minds by the urban elite so much that they believe it. Believe it down to the point where the votes don't matter because too many stay home, why should they vote? I get no funding from the state, none from national level and very little from local. Our volunteers out here in rural Texas pay with their time and checkbooks every time they travel to someplace in county for an event or knock on a door or two. It wouldn't have taken but a one or two percentage increase in rural turnout to make a big difference in the outcome of the 22 elections. But everyone insists that the urban vote will turn us blue and there is no doubt that's where our strength lies. But there are just as many if not more blue voters in counties like Harris that stay home too. And the bulk of all this funds you bitch about were spent in those locales. And the funding has targeted seats that can be flipped, and not all. It is hard to watch some local candidate run for HD or CD and they get no support from the state or DC if their races are considered long shots. They make the effort to run and know they won't win, but they do it anyway because they feel someone has to offer an alternative. But this kind of talk is just as harmful to our chances of winning, if not more, than underfunding. Our rural Dems are ridiculed and laughed down at by the Dunning Kruger assholes, some have their jobs threatened, their kids at school taunted and other slights just for standing up for the party of reason and empathy. It's not a hard decision to stay home and not vote. I don't have all the high level contacts you do, nor those experiences, but I do know rural Texas and the blue voters there, and the challenge of getting them to the polls to vote. I would appreciate you think about those people before you dismiss them as dumbasses from Possum Piss who don't mean shit when it comes to voting. Maybe just keep this logic to yourself, or modify it where you aren't denigrating a large base of voters. We have enough problems with turning out Texas Dems without having our own people telling them they are pointless.
  22. Another problem is that a lot of counties have no Dems in local races, so if people in Possum Piss need to vote for cousin clyde for constable, they can't vote in the Dem primary.
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