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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Shoxthemonkey

  1. First time I saw her was at the Homecoming concert at Wichita State in the early 70s. Black Oak Arkansas opened for them. She danced all over the stage sans panties and I was smitten. RIP Tina.
  2. Nah, that's just the goofy way I look. Every time I look in a mirror I see my Grandpa Dyck looking back at me. I didn't get to choose this look.
  3. Thank you. Just typing the lyrics made me a blubbering mess for a moment. Had to shut my office door.
  4. Check out my blue suede shoes. Friday at a friend's wedding in JAX. It's been a rough ride at times but I can't think of anybody I would rather have had at my side. Or anybody else that would have put up with me like she continues to do. Jason Isbell says it best in "Vampires" "Maybe time running out is a gift I'll work hard 'til the end of my shift And give you every second I can find And hope it isn't me who's left behind"
  5. This is what makes Surly. I too have had the talk with Bear , and you, Brat, Hulla, Bruin, Cactus, Wild Turkey, Imma and countless others. Hell of a resource for such a group of assholes. I've read all of the links posted about MAC and it really saddens me that I I never had the luck to have a "talk" with him. I'm jealous of all of you who knew him. RIP, MAC.
  6. A shortish track with a couple hundred*cars on it should be messy. There was some amazing driving through traffic all day long, especially in the last 30 minutes. Being a Penske fanboy, I was hoping that they could catch the Caddy but there was too much traffic to shuffle through in the last few laps. *hyperbole
  7. I'll be driving through Marathon this coming Tuesday evening. I'll buy your supper and drinks if you will stand by the road with a piece of cardboard that you have scrawled with "Muledick!".
  8. Kenny, that first paragraph hit me like a ton of bricks. We are prepping for our 50th Anniversary celebration in a couple of weeks so we have been doing lots of reflecting and reminiscing lately. Obviously there was a course correction somewhere along the way but there were several uncomfortable conversations with my kids and my wife about the first quarter of our marriage. I was a selfish asshole, no other way to say it. Thanks for the post. ETA: I'm still an asshole.
  9. I've tried to add something to the conversation several times and deleted it. I don't know what to say. My heart goes out to those of you that were lucky enough to know MAC. He will finally find some peace. He will be missed.
  10. Going into my 4th year with the Ryobi 40v. Highly recommend.
  11. Anybody need a hand with a fucking fence?
  12. This is bullshit! 5116 Sparky Dick didn't have any hits Sparky's running mate was Buckshot. Might shoulda used that.
  13. Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs in the ass.
  14. Yep. I asked for it. I’ve already done the catheter and IV so I know what I’m in for if it comes to that. The biopsy is the unknown portion. Thanks.
  15. @wild_turkey Just got back from the Doctor. Will be starting a well monitored Prednisone treatment this evening. I'm also being referred to a rheumatologist for further study. There was some misunderstanding between the nurse and I but the Doctor laid out a steroid plan as soon as we got together. Thanks for responding. I really wasn't clear at all what I was asking advice about. Typical of me typing and thinking concurrently.
  16. No, she didn't offer any other treatment but I was only talking to her nurse. The nurse made it sound like they were looking for some other malady. Before the Doc had the results from the blood work we discussed prednisone and the side effects. Several years back I had carpal tunnel surgery on both wrists. Prior to each surgery, the surgeon prescribed prednisone for a short time. We discussed the diabetes ramifications at that time and he didn't think it was enough to not do it. I have another meeting with the Doc this afternoon. I'll see what she thinks. This was a miserable weekend.
  17. I can't get on your VH bus but everything else you said is spot on.
  18. Can’t believe anybody else is actually watching this shit. Why are you doing this to yourself?
  19. Bump to bring my posts in another forum to a more appropriate audience. Any advice?
  20. The doctor never sent the script to the pharmacy because the sed rate came back slightly elevated but not to the clinical standard. Her office also didn't get back to me until this morning. The Mayo Clinic link from my earlier post (that she directed me to) says this: Blood tests. Besides checking your complete blood counts, your doctor will look for two indicators of inflammation — erythrocyte sedimentation rate (sed rate) and C-reactive protein. However, in some people with polymyalgia rheumatica, these tests are normal or only slightly high. A little digging found this: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/corehtml/pmc/pmcgifs/wm-reumatol.gif According to Step 3 it would be OK to go ahead with the Prednisone and see what happens. Any Surly Docs want to chime in? I'm making another appointment with another Doctor this afternoon. In the meantime, I'm hurting like a motherfucker. PMC full text: Reumatologia. 2018; 56(1): 1–2. Published online 2018 Feb 28. doi: 10.5114/reum.2018.74740 Copyright/LicenseRequest permission to reuse Table I A four-point guidance on how to investigate PMR when normal ESR and CRP coexist 1. In an older person complaining of chronic bilateral shoulder and hip girdle pain associated with inflammatory morning stiffness, a possible PMR can be considered (even if ESR and CRP are both normal) if the proposed therapies do not improve pain and self care 2. An ultrasound examination of shoulder and hip girdle as well as the measurement of other biomarkers in adjunct to ESR and CRP can give additional information 3. A fast and significant improvement after a few days (seven days, on average) of low-dosed prednisone can confirm the first diagnostic suspicion, but it should be kept in mind that a watchful follow-up is mandatory 4. Several diseases can mimic PMR in some clinical features and in positive response to low-dose prednisone. They must be carefully excluded (not only at the beginning but also after follow-ups). The possibility of occult GCA should be investigated
  21. I'm coming up on our 50th Anniversary and If We Were Vampires hits me like a hammer.
  22. I was diagnosed with Polymyalgia Rheumatica yesterday. I have been stiff and sore for 3 weeks but I didn't go to the doc because I knew I had my usual diabetes checkup coming up. That was a mistake on my part. When our pharmacy opens I will get started with Prednisone pills. https://www.niams.nih.gov/health-topics/polymyalgia-rheumatica-giant-cell-arteritis Polymyalgia rheumatica and giant cell arteritis are closely linked inflammatory disorders that almost always occur in people older than age 50. Polymyalgia rheumatica causes muscle pain and stiffness in the shoulders, upper arms, hip area, and sometimes the neck. The ache and stiffness are usually worse in the morning or when you have not been moving for a while. They can sometimes be very debilitating and tend to improve with activity. People with polymyalgia rheumatica sometimes have another disorder called giant cell arteritis, which is associated with inflammation of arteries, especially those located on each side of the head, scalp, and the aorta (the large artery that carries blood from the heart) and its main branches. Headaches, scalp tenderness, and jaw pain are common features of giant cell arteritis. If the blood vessels that nourish the eyes are affected, there may be visual problems such as fleeting or permanent vision loss or double vision. It is important to seek treatment right away if you have visual symptoms, because if left untreated they may potentially lead to permanent blindness. Giant cell arteritis is also known as temporal arteritis and Horton disease. Both disorders generally respond well to treatment, although it is common for symptoms to recur after decreasing or stopping therapy. Additionally, my PSA number spiked and I now have an appointment with a specialist to discuss a prostate biopsy. Tell me all of your biopsy horror stories, please.
  23. Mine is an 11C, bought in 1981. Still use it daily. Really rough around the edges but it will outlive me. Somebody upthread mentioned tools. My shop is full of handtools that were purchased in the early 60's. I need to get some pictures but I have lots of vinyl purchased in the 60's, Hendryx, The Who, Cream, Zep, etc. My son has the 1970 IHC Scout II that I purchased new.
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