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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Shoxthemonkey

  1. We spent last week in Santa Fe doing a combo Thanksgiving/Christmas with our kids. We stayed at the Inn of the Governors and every room had artwork from the same artist in it. I'm not sure what we did to deserve the "Padre molesting a monkey with a feather" room, but that's what we were given.
  2. Lower pressure is generally how we know it's time to replace the filter. It goes along fine until one day it is noticeably down. A quick trip to the basement and all is right in the world again.
  3. These are the shit for removing that shit smell. The hardest part of installation is removing the passive anode from the tank. It's like they weld those things in.
  4. Yes, it's still going. Still a pretty good place to eat or so I've been told. I haven't been in there in a couple years so I can't speak to its quality nowadays. Not too surprising to see the picture of the sports bar on a Friday. I'm sure it's a different story on a Saturday and especially so on a Sunday. Folks love their Chiefs around here and those that don't, love their Cowboys.
  5. That would probably be better but the WHF cost less than $75 and I installed it myself. The wife can change filters by herself and with her stiff fingers from RA that's no small thing. We are on our 2nd unit in 30 years and we get a years worth of filters for under $100 when we buy in bulk. It is a really simple system that does a great job.
  6. Doodah Diner for breakfast. Fizzburger for lunch and Chester’s for a good steak dinner. the Wichita Aviation Museum by McConnell AFB is good and the B-29 “Doc” has a hangar out at the airport. OldTown has a number of bars and eating places and the Museum of World Treasures. It’s a wide ranging display of local collectors stuff. Everything from Egyptology to Civil War to fossils and geology. The Delano district west of the river has several good places to eat and drink. The All Indian Center is worth a look and at nightfall they light the torch of “The Keeper Of The Plains” statue at the confluence of the Little Arkansas and Arkansas rivers. That should give you enough places to google and explore. If you have any specific questions, I’ll answer what I can. It’s not a complete wasteland, we get by.
  7. I have a Culligan whole house filter on my well system. It has cylindrical canisters that I change every month. It is used mostly to trap sediment that gets pumped to the house and does a good job of that. The filters are mud coated when removed. I still have a full range of Culligan tanks that follow this filter to get sulphur and other minerals out of the water before it is sent to the softener. The water is unusable without all of this in my case. YMMV.
  8. DL BCBs Medicare personal CC Company CC minimal cash
  9. Pretty good show. My kids were born during the Yankees playoff series in ‘76 and ‘78 (fuck the Yankees) so I spent equal time laughing and crying during the show. It brought back a ton of memories.
  10. Let me know you're in town, next time. I have bourbon in my office.
  11. Today's update on the Marion Police debacle, where we learn that the former CoP and the "victim" likely had a relationship prior to the raid. And we get to see the former CoP prepare to piss in a local convenience store because he forgot to turn off his body cam. That's a bit of a twist from usual cop practice. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/most-embarrassing-leak-ever-marion-police-chief-s-own-video-shows-he-s-unfit-to-serve-opinion/ar-AA1k9uqt
  12. We are Hilton honors members and the Hilton Garden inn around the corner from the Downtown railrunner depot is going to hold our bags until we decide to head north. I’m old and don’t want to drive, that’s what my kids are for. We’ll give Vic’s a try. Thanks for the suggestion.
  13. Our family is meeting in Santa Fe for Christmas this year so my wife and I are flying into Albuquerque early one morning. Has anybody used the RailRunner transit system to get back and forth between the cities? We don't plan to do much away from the city center at either place and there will be a couple of rental cars from other family members if we do. My only concern is dragging our luggage around after we leave the airport until we can board the train to Santa Fe. Does anybody know if they have lockers at the depots? I could probably hire a bum to watch them.
  14. My nephew has been sheltered in place in Lisbon since last night. He tells me that his house is 5 minutes away from the scene and the car was found within a mile of his house. It hits close to home ETA: I really didn't post this to garner any rep or sympathy or even "thoughts and prayers". It was just my turn. In a few days it will be some other persons turn to worry about a loved one or, worse yet, grieve for a loved one. Eventually, all of us will take a turn. This fucking sucks.
  15. Pass the ball more often and they won't call steps on you as often.
  16. Welp, I had a joke racked into the chamber but fuck if I'm gonna compete with Ramjet.
  17. I'm not sure how to eat that without utensils. But, I will try my best
  18. Every drug I'm taking will cease to be effective at some point. I was hoping “a rare anti-cancer drug” would be the immortality fix.
  19. i went ahead and finished but I would like to hear the rest of the story.
  20. It’s a work of fiction.
  21. New medicine. Bubble guts. New pants
  22. https://www.kwch.com/2023/10/07/police-bodycam-footage-gives-new-look-inside-raids-marion-newspaper-office-homes/ https://kansasreflector.com/2023/10/03/marion-police-chief-resigns-after-body-cam-footage-shows-him-rifling-through-records-about-himself/ A late update: the CoP has resigned following body cam video releases that were shared on local television. The city council had finally suspended him a few days earlier. I had forgotten about this thread until @Pancho started a thread about our other county fuckhead.
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