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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by ROFL BOX

  1. All that to say you have a corded house phone?
  2. It's like a techno version of what the Lawrence Welk show would be for today's 65 & over set.
  3. Aaron definitely embraced the social media aspect of it because he's generally a friendly guy while John was initially hesitant if not aggressively more like "why are you interested in what I run my temps at or what hat I'm wearing today? Just eat my food & shut up."
  4. Whose idea was that anyway? I recall the beef bones & smoked marrow... maybe have pics of that somewhere on my computer. If they were on my original FB account & I didn't save them, then they got vaporized along with the rest of the account when FB did their stupid.
  5. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1731900990165857/posts/4788784251144167/
  6. It's the annual "Capitol Tourist Day"... bring apple pie & fire extinguishers.
  7. Well, shit - didn't know you moved away post dee-vorce. Whereabouts is ya & what makes you think this town has changed that much since you left?
  8. Does yours consistently complain about her feet or back? "Can't walk all over ________ because feet." "Can't sit in a car for ______ hours because back."
  9. You sound like you're late a lot. It's a difficult situation when repair calls or customer meetings run longer than expected. Hopefully customers understand when a 2p "check out your leak" turns into 4p.
  10. That said, I have decided that if we get proper information, I'm going to attend the funeral or visitation or whatever. I hope other Shaggers join in. @luke duke if you're coming down, shoot up a flare.
  11. Also, & I've said this in the past (Shag, whatevers) but the 1st time I went to the Manor Road shop was when Roxette was born. I was on the 2nd day after she was born & my wife said "Go, leave the hospital. Get some food & bring me some." So I drove East to the Manor store looking for something... didn't know specifically that his shop was there & I don't even recall what the signage was. I ordered 2 sandwiches & 2 sides but when I got to the counter, realized I had left my wallet back in the Saint David's hospital room. John (in a very "no big deal" voice) said "Don't worry about it - get back when you can." I came back the next day. & I'm 98% certain the other dude working the counter was Aaron.
  12. This ensures that... 1. The parents aren't jacking around with their kids & being an ass to the coach. 2. They can simply walk sideways 20 yards to fight the other parents vs. having to walk across the pitch & get in the way of their kids.
  13. As many of y'all know, I'm active with the Q committee for Rodeo Austin. Our annual event other than the cook-off is an auction / dance. Around the time of that magazine cover for Texas Monthly, I asked both Aaron & John fort a gift cert donation & to autograph the magazine for the auction. I got one magazine for me & the other for the auction. Aaron was 1st. & it had a more "official" coupon type thing. Went to John & he saw Aaron's signature... had to write his larger than A.F. (pic on the other BBQ thread). J.M. asked me how much was coming from Franklin & without asking to see proof, he doubled from 1 full rack of pork to 2. Double the weight in brisket. Added 4 links of sausage (2 reg.,2 jap). 2 Beefers. Tore a sheet of butcher paper & wrote it all down via sharpie, signed his name on it. Folded that up 5 or 6 different ways & then somehow created a type of envelope from another piece of butcher paper. The auction item was for the gift cert. from both John & Aaron + the autographed magazine... total package. I don't know who "won" that auction however I do hope they still have the magazine. Sent from my SM-A326U1 using Tapatalk
  14. I don't know if the sample while you wait was a Mueller original, but it is still a family tradition. Sent from my SM-A326U1 using Tapatalk
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