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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Droopy

  1. Hot Take incoming: Hey man! I went to the basketball game last night. Glad we won, but for a rivalry game the crowd was terrible and quiet. No band, no Texas! Fight!, and the loudest it got was for the halftime musical chairs show. The OU sucks, because the do, chant at the end of the game was nice, but it was only led by the jumbotron throwing it up there with about a minute to go in the game. I was in section 34, row 30, but moved down to row 9 after the mass exodus when it became clear Texas was going to win the game. Fuck those people for leaving early and for the people that stayed, why the hell are you just standing without making any noise?!? Row 8 had 10 dudes, all standing, all with their hands in their pockets talking to each other quietly and giving about half a fuck about the game. I've seen it louder in a church parish hall waiting for the coffee to be refilled. New arena or not, the crowd should be split up with a first come first served section around the entire court, save for the small amount of students that attend. Conversely, they should leave the douche bag "just doing this because it's an event and want to be seen" crowd in some sort of club lounge for dipshits. Every coach and every player should not have to beg the crowd during a rivalry game to fucking cheer on defense or make noise when the rival is shooting free throws, yet here we are. Shit, half the crowd barely threw up the Horns when we shot free throws. I tried 4 times to get the crowd around me to make noise and get up. It worked each time but lasted for 2 possessions. I cannot wait for the FEC to go bye-bye, but the new arena is going to need some serious hand holding to get the party started. Motherfuckers looked like they were watching a Yanni concert. Oh, Mr. Minister O' Culture? Could you please instill some fucking culture up in this mother?! Because right now, it feels like a funeral could have been going on and nobody would have noticed. Also, don't give me the "they just need to win and they will come" bullshit, because this team has a badass coach and they are winning. #IMissOldTexas #TEXAS,FIGHT!
  2. Thoughts and prayers to the Shipley family. Sad.
  3. I’ll say this much, the Texas game in Lubbock is going to be serious business to Tech fans. My BIL is a tech grad and a professional garage beer drinker. Meaning, his favorite quote to use whenever someone mentions leaving their home for anything other than work or beer is, “Why would you leave your home? Nothing good happens when you do that.” That being said, at Christmas he told me that he is planning to fly to Lubbock for the game to boo Chris Beard in person. This is tantamount to aggy switching to all female cheerleaders level of shock. Beard leaving for Texas really pissed off Tech fans, at least most that I’ve run into. I’ll be shocked if Texas goes to Lubbock and wins. (Not that Texas isn’t good enough, but that place is going to be hostile.) PS - I bought my BIL a Texas Basketball shirt for Christmas. 🤣
  4. A kid died. Parents lost a son due to his negligence. I guess “abuse” fits but doesn’t tell the whole story. Fuck that guy. No offense, but that movie was one of the most “can see it coming from a mile away” as far as storylines. The director was hitting the viewer over the head with what was coming. Visuals were nice though.
  5. Correction: LSU with a TD pass with 0:00 remaining to lose 42-20.
  6. Wheat wins 42-14. Big XII beats SEC!!1!1!!1
  7. I agree but Opt-outs and portals are the new norm. The LSU D is missing 2 starting DL and all three LBs. of course, at least they still played the game. Aggyland, Home of the 12th Man Myth. 👎🏼
  8. Haha, fuck KSU. Crawdads with another “please make the catch” touchdown pass from the gutsy WR.
  9. Glad you had fun. The last time I was at NRG, I was trying to commit seppuku as Shawn Wats… I mean Arkansas was crushing the Texas O.
  10. Yes, yes he did. Then tried to save himself by saying that he can’t get Nebraska being in the Big 8 out of his head. Alrighty.
  11. Well, he is a WR trying to play QB. At least the passes are spiraling.
  12. Going to the 4th, Wheat 28-7. This game is just going through the motions trying to just get it to 0:00.
  13. Agreed. At least they had the balls to man up and play the game. Aggy sitting at home to protect their “image” worked in my eyes. They still look like bitches to me.
  14. No, the usual. A camera was shoved in their face, so morons gonna moron.
  15. Hahaha, nice kick, 2nd string! Halftime: Wheat over Crawdads, 21-7
  16. Nice Horns down by the fat ass KSU fan. Glad to know we aren’t playing but still get some good publicity. RIP, fatty.
  17. No way he got the line to gain, but the refs are feeling generous
  18. That Hilton commercial is sweet, but maybe that Dad should step in and stop his kid from getting the ‘betes.
  19. Is he still talking? Shut the fuck up BK. Is this a recruiting boost for him to sell his program because that interview was… not good.
  20. Plus, what the fuck is Sucks Eat Cfootball ?
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