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Herpa Derpa

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Herpa Derpa

  1. I believe I've found where you erred. Not sure that word means what you think it means. Excluding the corporate/politician twats, twitter is a jackass circle jerk for nobodies with zero importance in life that find solace in spewing nonsense into the ether. The "UT football discussions" on Twat spaces are being done by obese basement dwellers with cheeto-dusted fingers (Hi, Ketch!) and absolutely zero knowledge or influence on the reality. Listening to toddlers argue about whether it is sprinkling or drizzling outside is a more constructive and meaningful endeavor. An actual prominent UT fan gets things like the title of Minister of Culture from the institution itself. Don't give any legitimacy to the tailored jersey and jorts crowd. They're not the most passionate and/or knowledgable fans, they're just the toddlers of the crowd arguing over nonsense.
  2. You're so wrong you should be deeply ashamed in your wrongness and beg forgiveness from all of Surly who you've wrongly wronged with your wronging. And I went to college.
  3. Rather sporting of Baylor to send some IP $$ down the interstate. Huzzah!
  4. Are you asking if women in the 1950's were expressive enough about their sexual experiences to be accurately recorded by tabloids? Or if men in the 1950's who claimed such things were fairly ignorant about what made a woman orgasm (or what a female orgasm even was)? Don't believe the hype.
  5. Subscribed. I miss the sanctimonious condescension of folks that read books about dragons that were then made into a TV show. Let the highbrow literary debates commence!
  6. I never said it was a sober thought.
  7. The more I observe the Casey Thompson show at Nebraska, the more I think to myself, "Man, Sark did a hell of a job to go 5-7 with that guy as his team leader."
  8. They're not morons*. They just don't care for your stories about dinosaur music and Turner Classic movies, Grandpa. And no one is laughing when you leave the room. They swear. *actual moronic level not measured
  9. and running to a website meant for assholes and children and using your fat, greasy fingers to tweet not one, not two, not three, but a whole series of twats about it.
  10. I know a guy that could tell a story or two about that.
  11. Guess that means its time for Bru to start filling out the paperwork for the next stop. USCe makes the most sense for consistency.
  12. Former 5 star with some baggage but great potential goes through a rigorous process in the SEC.
  13. Texas should never have gone slumming at Wyoming. Go to Laramie in September, 2009 and a decade(and counting) of shit follows. It is known.
  14. Under California law, the official time of death was when she was declared brain dead last week. Just been an organ husk since then.
  15. She still will be, just married to a lawyer and driving a Mercedes instead of a Honda. Ain't nothing special about that hag after 35. I see pilates instructor in her future.
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