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Herpa Derpa

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Herpa Derpa

  1. I follow the school of thought that says you assess a movie based on what it is trying to be not what you think it should be. If you expect a Corman movie to be a Scorsese film then you're doing it wrong and are going to be constantly disappointed. There is a difference between movies and films and I am more often disappointed in films because they don't meet the mark they set. Movies are always fun if you get what you expect. It's why The Room is a great movie and a terrible film. Twisters wanted to be a summer popcorn flick with big bangs and shallow pretty characters. I would say it more than met those goals.
  2. They are aggy and it is always a waste of time trying to deal with them.
  3. Don't forget the fake story about Sark and Banks going out somewhere and getting "obliterated" after a loss.
  4. Girl was 13 when the kid was born. 12 at conception. Should have spent his NBA career behind bars as a power bottom.
  5. I think I know the reason for Meat Pimp's swag.
  6. So is it Mary Frann or Suzanne Pleshette that will be there on the other side? Lucky sumbitch will probably get both.
  7. I think Caitlyn would want a competitive opponent.
  8. Don't you remember Ronnie McDonald ('91) and Arouna Davies, Jr. ('02)? That's two from 30 and 20 years ago in the 117 year history of the squad. You can't argue with those stats. Fun fact, neither one was a Cadet unlike most Yell Leaders. Another fun fact: The Yell Leaders began as a way to entertain and keep a trainload of Texas Woman's University ladies from leaving a 1907 game early because aggy was getting their ass kicked. Another losing tradition.
  9. I'm amused anyone ever thought Jeanie Buss would have a problem with undeserved nepotism.
  10. Yep, unfortunately men are even dumber.
  11. It's nonsense as I doubt there is a single soul in B10 with any interest in aggy. But just to play the game: Football - aggy carried their tradition of being mediocre from the SWC to the B12 to the SEC, so no reason to think otherwise with this move. That puts them finishing 7th or 8th in conference most years. Try and sell to a recruit a middling program that will require significant travel and be playing meaningless football in the upper midwest in November. Also must now deal with the fact you'll be surrounded by schools who will all be in the same living rooms selling the SEC and games the family can actually attend. Baseball - here's where aggy could theoretically become a top program in a middling baseball conference. B10 was the 5th best conference last year (just beating out the Sun Belt) so not a difficult hill to climb. Bad RPI and bad weather, the perfect match. Yep, they'll easily bring in all the elite talent that wants to play in terrible weather and be largely non-existent on the national scene. Sign me up. Basketball - lulz. The Schloss saga is the gift that keeps on giving.
  12. Hearne Ag with the suggestion to follow the wisdom of aggy legend Clayton Williams. Good bull.
  13. Recruits were so disgusted by the betrayal of the pure and virtuous aggy that Schloss can't even get anyone to return his calls. Oh wait, never mind.
  14. February, huh? Not usually a good sign.
  15. Altman's 3 Women if that's your fetish.
  16. Major props on the ability to adjust an opinion. A very rare trait.
  17. You're wrong, but watching you try would be must-see entertainment.
  18. I too found myself under the yoke of the system with no available avenue for cynical assholery.
  19. That's what the simulator wants you to believe.
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