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Herpa Derpa

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Herpa Derpa

  1. He already knows his cliches.
  2. Just on the first episode (Hey, Joe Piscopo!) and I love how they have the cast members watch and comment on their own auditions.
  3. He can be. He can also be lazy and unfunny.
  4. They sent him back so they'll be ok.
  5. I can't wait to read what happened in the morning.
  6. I know one Robbie Williams song but I can't spell it without a dictionary.
  7. Only need to worry if the middle name is Lee or Wayne.
  8. Yep. I would not be shocked if Day or another coach brought it up with the officials pre-game. Good scouting.
  9. I'm over 50 and grew up military and have never once done it in my life. The National Anthem at a sporting event is cafeteria patriotism.
  10. I'll help you out going forward in life. People are incredibly stupid and mind-bottling short-sighted. The average hump is even more stupid and short-sighted than you could imagine in your wildest and wackiest imagining. The more stupid and short-sighted they are, the more certain they are in their stupidity and short-sightedness. See Kanell, Danny and any other number of mind-numbing talking heads that just spew stupid and short-sighted thoughts as a career path. Being stupid and short-sighted means you will always find new ways to be stupid and short-sighted. Steady work if you can stand it. Once you understand this, and are not yourself stupid and short-sighted, you will be forced to endure a lifetime of battling the stupidity and short-sightedness all around you. But you should never again be surprised at what the stupid and short-sighted are saying because you now understand the blathering morons are stupid and short-sighted and their words are as well. Calculate in the fact we're discussing a rust belt fanbase that managed to fly to the wrong State for the big game and it's easy to follow the flippity-floppity of fools.
  11. Quick search says it was in 2020...
  12. If you want something to bitch about in this exercise, bitch about this. Montana State gets New Mexico's territory with a week one win over a shitty Lobos squad and keeps it all year because they never play another FBS team. So NDSU ends up with the land after FCS playoffs. There's a combined D1 map and a separate FCS map. Keep FCS out of the FBS map.
  13. Double his pay and halve his stress levels and let's see how he responds.
  14. Since we're still in the dreaming stage, give me Self.
  15. Real men disappeared when Joe put on shoes.
  16. It is impressive Helo manages to remove all doubt every time he speaks. So he's got that going for him.
  17. They're new money trash.
  18. I believe you are describing insanity.
  19. There's a joke about ska somewhere in this post.
  20. It warms the heart to see the nation come together to drag Hackstreit during this holiday season. God bless us, every one!
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