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Herpa Derpa

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Herpa Derpa

  1. I find it hard to believe something like cancer could kill OJ. I just hope someone is searching for the real killer.
  2. With all due respect, that's just an absolutely dumbass thing to feel. You really think CDC is going to fire a coach with a winning record in the middle of the season? Recalibrate my man.
  3. I'm willing to bet that's not a typo, but a poor education.
  4. Inconsistency over four years does have a certain consistency. After a long enough period the performance can no longer be considered inconsistent. It is what it is.
  5. I could of posted something snarky, and should of, but then I would of just been piling on.
  6. Oh, oh, oh, it's magic you know. Never believe it's not so.
  7. This isn't about some goddamn game. This is about our lives! Don't you get it? Goddamnit! DON'T YOU GET IT!?!
  8. Fuck them kids. I've gone a lifetime without ever getting a homer or foul ball. I'd donkey punch your mother for my chance. Snot nosed little fucks can learn to stake their claim like adults or get out of the fucking way. This ain't a fucking tea party, it's baseball. For this grown-ass man, I think adults who base their worldview on catering to children are the greater threat to a civil society than the one teaching the rugrat there's no free lunch in life.
  9. Think y'all both might need to be here.
  10. Can't make a catch if you don't cast a line. Sometimes you gotta throw a few lines in the water to make sure you eat.
  11. I thought every West Coast kid grew up dreaming of playing baseball in Winston-Salem and Pittsburgh?
  12. It's because their mommas listened to Waylon and Willie and raised them as instructed.
  13. Is that the same as bird law?
  14. He's a 50 year old man that I have only seen dressed like a feckless twit for the past three decades. All the credit for forging a career in grifting aggy coin but he really is a little basement boy. His world is gonna fall apart when Mama Luicci kicks.
  15. It can also be quite a jolt to one's self worth to realize you're now just another faceless schlub punching a timeclock until the sweet release of death. First half of your life you were feted like a King by everyone you encountered. Then you're a nobody only vaguely remembered by diehards. It's gotta be a hard fall from elite to regular. Thank god I've managed to contain myself to mediocrity.
  16. Eh, she talked shit on the court and in the media when she won . Then she cried foul when she lost and people gave the shit right back. She doesn't deserve death threats or racist taunts but that's simply a strawman attempt to evade accountability on what she does deserve. She's a poor sport. She don't have to die but she can go fuck herself. Dish, take. A simple concept.
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