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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by nineliveslost

  1. That's why his "all gas and no brakes " has always been bullshit
  2. Bwahahahahaha. Jayden broke the brakes
  3. And here comes the all brakes and no gas
  4. Hey let me help. They haven't got it. Not even close. Fuck statistics and win the game. Score points
  5. Then you are a bad teammate... Wait wut?
  6. I care. He has the talent to go all gas no brakes , but rides the brakes and down shifts like a mother fucker
  7. Run the ball Sark. Don't be cute and stubborn
  8. A dysfunctional college football team
  9. Maalik should handle the ball better but holy duck the back and oline didn't do shit. Sark. Run.the.fucking.ball
  10. I just want us to run up the score once. All gas no brakes has been pretty much bullshit
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