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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by nineliveslost

  1. Dude, she's the type to go ass to mouth on you!
  2. I find all the recent responses hilarious and not in a good way.
  3. I don't hear the music but man are you dancing to a different tune.
  4. BWAHAHAHA You guys were coming up with all sorts of devious and malicious shit. Hoping beyond hope that she would fall down from the tower Now that its cancer and she is about to go through chemo, it's thoughts and prayers. Just wow. I guess most forgot she was human.
  5. UNC will have its choice of SEC or BIG. It is my opinion they might be in the top 3 want for either of those conferences.
  6. A little late to the party. Enjoyed season 1. Halfway through season 2. I like it
  7. Wife and I are enjoying it so far (3 episodes). Sofia is ruthless.
  8. With Sofia it can't be all bad
  9. Finished it. Strong last 2 episodes. Really liked how it wrapped up. Would recommend
  10. Step dad's wife???? tell my mom to stop being weird and never do that again. Turn off phone and wash my eyes with bleach
  11. stalemate will be horrible. He will build up his lines and support and in parallel have the little green men start showing up more and more in Ukraine. He will then proceed with "liberation." He will attack them from the inside out.
  12. It seems like a continuing meat grinder for both sides. Problem is Russia has the men to throw away and Ukraine doesn't. Even with the $ support Ukraine can't sustain the manpower loss. Russia is bleeding them dry. Just turns my stomach that the world is going to watch and then shrug. Should Nato or Europe support with manpower at the rear guard or the supporting roles away from the front lines? Will it even matter? The US doesn't have the stomach for boots on the ground again.
  13. I have 2 episodes left. I am leaning towards enjoyment, but some of the coincidents are a stretch. I have no idea how she keeps her kid since she abandons the kid frequently. I would not have written the kid in the series since she serves no purpose, well, besides to be left a lot. added: The chick who plays Maya is beautiful. Distractingly so
  14. The funny thing about this statement is each side thinks you are talking about the other side
  15. and I am sure their quality will be typical craptastic.
  16. didn't Hitler push the VW bug and isn't ND Jewish?
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