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Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand

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Everything posted by Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand

  1. It's like ComeAndTakeIt-stan is a completely alien place
  2. ... and Trump in his Biden mask is gonna sign it- the ultimate betrayal
  3. When you hear what this googly-eyed motherfucker did you're gonna turbo shit your pants off!
  4. (The outro musical reference to Visit Me In Music City was written by BBJ's Father-In-Law)
  5. The goddamn mothefucking trust fund shit spent thousands of his inheritance on newspaper ads calling for the execution of Americans for crimes they didn't commit and is enabled to frame others for crimes he commits with impunity as a pretext to end America and democracy. There's no backstop behind us. That's who we might lose to. Orange slices all around.
  6. What I'm trying to say- All citizens should be considered equal in the eyes of law in a system that purports that principle What you're describing- Not that, by far. 5 years incarceration for a citizen without resources with a shoddy fraction of the effort by the state
  7. Pretty sure no one argued eligibility and the rest you described more than covers all possible semi-plausible explanations prosecutors consider when the target of investigation is Trump before they indict.
  8. Asking an election worker for assistance when trying to vote and acting upon that election workers' advice doesn't clear Mason of the Trump Every Semi-Plausible Possible Explanation Before Prosecution bar? Really?
  9. The reason you gave started with an "if", meaning the original description was accurate. Also, it doesn't even address the issue of a functioning Supreme Court.
  10. Yes, I think I get the (almost night and day) standards of state and fed cases. Or maybe I don't. It does seem odd how every other semi-plausible possible explanation must be eliminated when it comes to Trump but Crystal Mason gets 5 years for acting on the advice of an election worker.
  11. Just a mile or so past the "Trump Promises Made Promises Kept" truck you see on the left entering Fredericksburg you see a house on the right with "Save Our Hospital" yard signs.
  12. Marj needs some bicycle streamers on those biceps to accentuate that Ultimate Warrior vibe.
  13. I'll add MTV replacing music videos with The Real Fake Roommate Fight World alongside Dancing With The Stars being a viable, much less successful, tv show in a functioning democracy being as a Rubicon.
  14. He's a beta of one of the San Diego news teams after his leader delivers a zinger before the rumble. His suit is from the toilet store.
  16. Switching Mad Mode from MAGA Most Major Mad to MAGA Most Major Mega-Mad. Ths means war. Again.
  17. I'm getting "this is fine" vibes.
  18. Sorry but no. This is like saying John McCain voting against the repeal of Obamacare is the perfect encapsulation of the GOP.
  19. Is Philip Seymour Hoffman the other side in this dunk contest? 360 ADRENACHROME TOMAHAWK!!!! *toing*
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