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Pato del Muerto

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Pato del Muerto

  1. Slocum’s razor makes an appearance outside of its usual haunts.
  2. I had a dog kill and eat a chicken. Then we trained him better and he never did it again. scary murder dog in his Xmas jammies, supervising breakfast.
  3. Yeah I was gonna say- 1000 random respondents = 3% MOE on a population of 160 million?
  4. I hope they collaborate each other’s brains out
  5. Restaurant is vegan, doesn’t mean the owner is. And as an Italian and a health nut, surely you could understand hand motions to communicate about exercising.
  6. Well one other thing matters. It goes in.
  7. If he was bleeding, why couldn’t they use the same rule/concept as high sticking and give him a double minor? Could they not also give him a misconduct for that non hockey play?
  8. Masterclass in generating interactions. And it only cost him any basketball cred he had remaining.
  9. Might affect our rpi but mostly posting because whoa florida 15 fsu 13 9 innings
  10. Oh no you’re not, mister. Get busy getting busy during g6.
  11. 18 years gone my giddy aunt. also “I’m going to give you an advice”
  12. Found reasons not to have game on again. Guess I’m committed to the bit now.
  13. The fuck is Carter looking for?
  14. If not, what did he shoot? 66?
  15. The government could convict someone for a religious belief? That’s her position?
  16. Playing 5 d men is also a great way to have nothing for OT, which tends to happen in the playoffs and isn’t a 5 minute ballet followed by a skills comp.
  17. I’d like to hear from nova about how different the US healthcare system is than that of Germany, Canada, and the UK such that a price differential of that amount is justifiable. Rather than them throwing it out there without explaining. usually, more available customers helps to lower the price of something, to actualize more of them.
  18. When you wear the kind of glasses that Olin wears, everything appears maroon.
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