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  1. look... part of the point of a protest is to make everyone uncomfortable. if setting up tents is a violation of the rule and it was intentional, then yes, the protesters are pushing the boundaries and trying to make people uncomfortable. they are pushing for a response. its kind of the point of the protest. it draws attention in general and then specifically to their cause. i think its predictable and reasonable. its also reasonable for the police to break it up and enforce the rules. its predictable and reasonable. but at no time should either side become violent. its just not worth it to either side. the police should persist in a peaceful and patient manner for as long as it takes to enforce the rules until the protesters comply, including arrests. but they shouldn't be in riot gear. they shouldn't use pepper spray. they shouldn't forcibly remove anyone. they should keep doing everything they can in a peaceful way to enforce the rules. use your words. use reason and logic. and use patience. also, be smart. eventually they will comply and follow the rules. all of this applies to the protesters too. no violence. just peaceful protests. pushing the boundaries and knowing that you might get arrested. its part of the process. escalating and threatening on both sides is the worst thing you could do. I do the same thing with my kids. I don't beat them or hit them or force them to do something. I am more determined and patient than they are. I diffuse the situation and wait for them to comply with my request. I never give in and I never get violent. I am pleasantly persistent. but I also listen to them and make them feel valued. what is the point? what message are you trying to communicate? how can we assist you with accomplishing your goal of having your message heard? sure it takes longer than cracking skulls but it usually ends in lessons learned on boths sides.
  2. look at who you are responding to. he is a lost cause. move on.
  3. I hope this is real. Fuckin A! If so, I plan to be there tomorrow.
  4. that's not what he was saying at all. Come on, Trey. Be better.
  5. WHAT THE FUCK EVER. I am not advocating for any of that. If you want to send an increased police presence then do so. But don't fucking send storm troopers in riot gear when all of the protests have been peaceful. Arresting students for what? Please explain it to me. They have the lawful right to be there and to protest. This is complete bullshit.
  6. WTF? the right to assemble and protest is protected by the fucking Constitution. FUCK OFF! The way the protests get out of control is by doing what dipshit Abbott is doing. YOU DO NOT SEND STATE TROOPERS ONTO THE BY GOD UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS to stop a peaceful student protest! FUCK ALL THAT!!!
  7. I use the MPC app and it's usually faster than GE or at least the same speed. We just returned from Spain last week and there was no one in the MPC line. The GE line was full and the regular line was packed. We walked right through.
  8. I was born in government housing. we were on food stamps for most of my childhood. I attended public schools where my breakfasts and lunches were paid for. I earned a scholarship to UT, a public school, where I also received pell grants. I now pay a metric shit ton in taxes and have endowed a scholarship at UT - all part of giving back to the country, state, and university that helped me and my family climb out of poverty. I know it works because I have lived it.
  9. let's put aside whether you are a piece of shit or not, it just makes sense to educate, feed, and provide shelter to our population from an economics perspective. we need healthy educated workers. it's in our financial best interest to provide a baseline for our workers so we can all prosper more. Anyone who thinks that if my tax dollars didn't go to pay for those things, that somehow that member of our society just goes without - they are an idiot. instead, that person lives off tax dollars at the highest and most inefficient and ineffective rate. we throw more money and get less return than if we just actually did it. but no, people's feelings are involved and so we cant actually provide for those things in the budget - instead we keep it offsheet and either borrow for it and just lump it in with general spending, depending if its federal or state. we are the dumbest people in the civilized world. we are living off our past.
  10. you have just described every person i have ever know who comes from a privileged background.
  11. i'd say its more like this year's team is 2008 and last year was 2009. this team should be more talented at every position group other than DT.
  12. my mom is on it. she was/is pre-diabetic and was overweight. she has lost close to 30 lbs in the last 6 months. it also lowered her blood sugar level. its been amazing for her.
  13. he hasn't racked up a body count? you don't count the millions of COVID deaths that happened because he was more concerned about his re-election chances than a global pandemic?
  14. if you're a 6'5 250+ Lb dude and there is a 5'9 guy who is not only willing to engage in a fight but enthusiastic about it - you might want to re-think things.
  15. I would like to ask Jack for him to list and explain the Trump policies that he agrees with and which ones will bring the American dream to people. His economic policies were horrific and brain dead stupid. His policies destroyed an incredible economy that was running a surplus and replaced it with one that he drove into the ditch, increased taxes on the American public, paid out subsidies to correct a situation he created, and put us in unheard of debt. I mean the guy's economic policies were dumb. Oh, he extended the tax cut for the wealthiest Americans at everyone else's expense. Got it.
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