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Everything posted by Longhorn94

  1. Worthy looks better than last year, brennan thompson is the fastest guy on the field but has the drops. bijan is unstoppable. great energy from the team and everyone is super focused. QE puts more arc on the ball than Card. GP sighting. also, they are putting the side panels on Godzillatron.
  2. hearing that the new LB is legit. savion looks great. cam is HUGE. and QE just threw 2 picks in a row.
  3. i seriously doubt the report that Ewers doesnt work hard or spend much time in his playbook. Im assuming the SLC program is a lot like the LT program and both are built on a foundation of hard work and spending hours in their playbook. This isnt new to Quinn. Also, I have heard nothing but respect for the kid and his approach to the game from the folks i know inside the program. players and coaches do not respect players who dont put in the time.
  4. Again, I expect Ewers to be named the starter. But from everything I have heard, both players are respected and the team is behind both of them. Both QBs are hard workers who are extremely talented but neither has proven themselves on Saturday.
  5. tbh, i have mostly tried to block that game out of my memory as NS destroyed LT. But Im pretty sure you can watch Hudson running around, dodging defenders, and doing his best to do something with the ball. I dont think there were any holes open nor receivers open so it was a tough game for him and LT. now, go watch the next semi against NS and see how he battled the whole game and nearly brought LT back to win it.
  6. agreed. you will get no argument from me on that point.
  7. I know I am somewhat biased when it comes to Card. I coached him for a few years in 7s and my kid lined up next to him in the backfield. That said, my loyalty to Texas overrides any personal feelings once a LT kid enrolls at UT. I havent spoken to Hudson since he arrived at UT. I honestly dont know what happened last year. All I can say is that is NOT the QB we saw for 3 years at LT against the highest level competition in TX High School. He played in the 6A state championship game against Allen and then back to back semifinals against North Shore. He didnt bat an eye to pressure from any of those defenses and he used his legs very efficiently. Kid runs a 4.6 and put up a 3.99 5-10-5. He excelled at attacking the middle of the field with the deep ball. I cant count how many times he hit Garrett Wilson or one of our other WRs on deep posts or Go routes. i think he posted the highest velocity on his throws at the Elite 11, NFL scouts were comparing him to Aaron Rodgers 18 months ago, and Sam called him the Natural. His ceiling is a multi-year college starter and 1st round draft pick. At LT, he was confident and poised and always a fighter. He never backed down from a challenge nor did he ever spit the bit. he was a gamer through and through. All of the above makes what we saw last year puzzling. Im not sure if he was coached to be careful and he took it took it to the extreme and tried to be perfect? I really dont know. But running to the sideline or not wanting to run down the field or not wanting to throw the ball down the field is absolutely opposite of the QB he was in HS. Being hesitant and indecisive are also very different than how he was at LT. It could be that he took Sark's coaching too seriously or literally. It could be the stage was too big for him last year. I really dont know and I wont make excuses for him. I just know that I believe he can be SO much better than that and want to see him succeed whether it is here or some other place. But he is going to have to do it - whether its overcoming himself or the coaches or both. If he can't do whatever it is that he needs to do to be successful, then he never will convert all the potential he has into a reality. I expect Ewers to start. I dont think you go get a QB like him and not start him. I will be surprised if Hudson starts. That said, I want a true competition between the two and then start the one who wins it. I just want Texas to win again. I believe we can with either Quinn or Hudson and think we will probably need both of them to play this year regardless of who wins the job. I also want Sark to pick one and ride that one all the way through the season. QB is such a position of confidence and momentum. Pick a starter based on who wins the competition and then stick with that QB unless they get hurt.
  8. She has secured counsel. Thank you to everyone! This board is simply an amazing resource.
  9. Thank you to everyone who has offered to help and thank you for the jokes as well.
  10. Does anyone know a decent criminal defense attorney in West Hollywood for a felony assault case with a failure to appear on the side? Thank you in advance!
  11. bench 225 - i can do sets of 5 squat - i usually just rep 225 for sets of 8-10 - no reason to go heavy on it. 40 - definitely over 5 secs, but back in the day....
  12. if the K9 is there, its like TSA Pre-check for everyone.
  13. speaking of Netflix action stuff, my sister wrote the short story that this film https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5834874/ is based on.
  14. it was entertaining. he made a few really interesting points, but it was a little bit too much of a speech celebrating himself. There were parts where he failed horribly at attempting to humble brag. the commencement speaker at the Plan II ceremony on the other hand taught a master class in commencement speeches. His speech is the best I have ever heard at a graduation.
  15. Im speechless. WTF? so all implied rights are soon to be gone? i just dont get it. as a person of deep faith and church-going Lutheran, white american christians are some of the worst people to ever walk the planet. they are so fucking far from Jesus. They have no clue what Jesus taught and how to actually live a life of service to those who are in need. Jesus doesnt give a fuck about premarital sex or birth control or gay sex or sex education or trans kids or any of the trivial shit white evangelicals want to focus on. He wanted us to love each other, to care of each other, to help those in need, and to serve mankind to make the world a better place. fuck this shit. if we dont fight for our country now, then we will never get it back. we need to love our wayward GOP brothers and sisters and help them find their way back into the fold of democracy by putting a big ass foot up their ass in every single election moving forward until they finally realize that trump and the GQP is a fucking scam that is seeking to betray the very ideals of our nation because they cant fucking win any other way. so yeah, this once proud Young Conservative of Texas will contribute max amounts to every candidate that I can, i will go to work for every dem candidate that I can, i will canvass and go door to door because fuck this shit and fuck those assholes who are trying to destroy our country. and yeah, we need to expand the fucking court to 13 justices to represent the 13 judicial districts. No more go high when they go low. fuck that. we need to tunnel under the goddamn floor at this point. see yall on the other side of this shit fest.
  16. my sister has known jada and will for a long time and all i can say is that is a strange relationship and they are even stranger people. jada is a very controlling person and will is not a nice guy. i was surprised but not surprised by what happened. will smith is a punk.
  17. We have 5 kids. They are the best thing I will ever do or accomplish. I view my life as a life of service to them. My whole life revolves around them. Every decision. Every action. Every breath to them and for them. The most important thing in the world to me is being the best father I can be. Everything else is secondary.I absolutely love it. I have never, not one time, not even for a moment, regretted it or had second thoughts, or anything even remotely negative toward my children. I have never been jealous of anyone else who didnt have kids. They are my life. I have approached parenthood as being their guide. I do not want to live their lives. I do not want them to follow after me. I want them to make their own way and I am their guide to help them find their path on their journey. Mistakes and failures are the hardest thing to work through as a parent. On one hand you want to protect them but on the other hand, you know that ever single thing you ever learned in your own life came from failing. Its hard to let them fail but you have to. We teach our kids to think for themselves, to make decisions, to understand that their choices and decisions have consequences, and that we never ever negotiate with terrorists. If you want to do something, you have to be willing to give it up. If you can, you can do it. If you can't, you can't do it. Love, love, and more unconditional love. Always be fair, no matter what. and do not draw lines that do not need to be drawn. If you make the choice to have kids with someone you love, then you should never ever regret that choice. its a wild crazy adventure that i wouldnt trade for anything. 5 kids have kept us busy over the years and they are still keeping us busy! they dont stop needing guide at 18!!!! lol its awesome, its hard, its soooo much fun, its heartbreaking, its the best thing you can ever do with your life: to give someone else life and to love them no matter what.
  18. The more I read on this site, the more I realize that most of the posters do not truly understand the game.
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