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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Goredho

  1. Oh, shit. My bad. Will avoid town lake and Georgia and the panhandle
  2. MAGA stewardess: You’ll have the shit and like it.
  3. Nicole cares, which means we all gotta fucking care.
  4. No, the most hilarious thing is if he took that $500 million, didn't touch the principal and lived on the interest until October of 2012, and then was smart like all the libertarian dipshits that vote for him and dumped it all into Bitcoin, he'd be the world's richest man with a net worth of more than 285 billion dollars.
  5. If you are Russia or Saudi Arabia or whoever, you don't loan Donald Trump half a billion with the idea he'll pay you back with interest. You pay him half a billion to be himself and damage, perhaps destroy, the post WWII U.S. leviathan.
  6. This could be a net positive. A big part of developing a young man’s creativity is him having to imagine what he’s fapping to.
  7. Texas Evangelicals regarding Pr0nhub: Texas Libertarians:
  8. Trump does a pretty good job of marketing himself as the candidate of the aggrieved and disenfranchised. He will say anything to anyone to make them feel like he's their champion and will cure their ills. That he is so strongly courting African Americans tells me he's got no more room to grow a base within white America. Someone involved in his political strategy has done the math and see that if he's going to win, he needs the aggrieved and disenfranchised minorities, too.
  9. Fuck it, cull them. I can get AI to give me a penis influencer with the face of Charlize Theron, the tits of Jessica Simpson, the ass of KimK and a middle-aged overweight dad fetish.
  10. How about we just go ahead and cull out anyone who can be referred to as an "influencer" of any kind.
  11. Yeah, but what the fuck is Tijuana Jones doing in there?
  12. Remember this? A 2019 report by the Senate Intelligence Committee[161] found "an unprecedented level of activity against state election infrastructure" by Russian intelligence in 2016.[162] The activity occurred in "all 50 states" and is thought by "many officials and experts" to have been "a trial run ... to probe American defenses and identify weaknesses in the vast back-end apparatus—voter-registration operations, state and local election databases, electronic poll books and other equipment" of state election systems.[163] The report warned that the United States "remains vulnerable" in the 2020 election.[162] During the summer and fall of 2016, Russian hackers intruded into voter databases and software systems in 39 different states, alarming Obama administration officials to the point that they took the unprecedented step of contacting Moscow directly via the Moscow–Washington hotline and warning that the attacks risked setting off a broader conflict.[164] In May 2018, the Senate Intelligence Committee released its interim report on election security.[174] The committee concluded, on a bipartisan basis, that the response of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to Russian government-sponsored efforts to undermine confidence in the U.S. voting process was "inadequate". The committee reported that the Russian government was able to penetrate election systems in at least 18, and possibly up to 21, states, and that in a smaller subset of states, infiltrators "could have altered or deleted voter registration data", although they lacked the ability to manipulate individual votes or vote tallies. And this? Former President Donald Trump on Saturday said he would encourage Russia to do “whatever the hell they want” to any NATO member country that doesn’t meet spending guidelines on defense in a stunning admission he would not abide by the collective-defense clause at the heart of the alliance if reelected. I have no clue who is going to win in November, but I think there are two things you can bank on. Putin is going to go for broke to get Trump re-elected, and Trump would do anything to secure and aid those efforts.
  13. Yeah, I was ready to take one for the team and have a sex scandal with Katie Britt, but now I think I'm going to have to hold out for Scarlett Johansen portraying Katie Britt.
  14. After witnessing their pugilistic prowess, I'm feel better about the state of the union.
  15. Because he can't exist in a reality where he is not the smarted person in the room. To stop would be to admit he's been wrong about EVERYTHING to himself and his supporters and his ego won't let him do that. And yeah, its generally worked out for him to this point, so why stop now? If he wins the election, I think you'll see him take a big fucking hatchet to the justice department, fill it with cronies and yes men, and then use them to target the states that have cases against him for leverage.
  16. I'm sure there were some closeted rhinos there for the dress rehearsal that, when asked how Katie's performance was, simply responded with
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