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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Goredho

  1. This is the funniest shit I've read here in a long time. He's a real undercover brother, aint he? Kudos.
  2. Serious question: If you exorcise MAGA from the GOP, what's left at this point? Mitt Romney and who else? The Joe Strauses have retired. The McCain's have moved on to the great congressional hearing in the sky.
  3. I know a lot of dog breeders and the average dog breeder is a morally dubious money-for-nothing entrepreneur wannabe that doesn't have the means or ability to succeed as one otherwise. They think they can get 2 dogs to fuck and drop a litter of puppies and pocket $10K and that's all there is to it. There is very little concern for the welfare of the dogs or the families they go to. Things like testing, vaccinations, adequate food -- these are costs that cut into their margin and corners are cut. The kicker is that every dog breeding program eventually runs into this problem -- a dog lives a lot longer than they will be able to produce your product. As the dogs age and become non-breeders, a program has a growing number of dogs that bring no money in but that cost the same as the dogs that are bringing money in. Tough choices have to be made, and you more often than not have a Joe Exotic type making them. So my reaction to Pit Bulls eating their breeder is: My reaction to Pit Bulls being euthanized because they ate their breeder is:
  4. Nicole thread about the murder of Laken Riley. Lake. Rainey.
  5. Dude who started the gofundme looking at the numbers while contemplating how he's a self-made millionaire.
  6. They are going to want to build a fallopian wall to stop the flood of illegals voting.
  7. Farmers as construction workers complain about government handouts.
  8. GOP lawmakers surprised to learn Faustian bargains come with negative consequences, news at 11.
  9. I know a fair number of people that voted for Trump once or twice that have vowed to never to do it again. They are conservative, but educated and affluent. They are “haves” in the current order of things. Their reasoning is not any sort of empathetic change of heart, it’s rooted in self interest. They seem to realize that Trump is a chaos agent that is likely to destroy the current order of things in which they are winners. These are the people who have a good amount of disposable income and might normally be donating to a conservative Presidential candidate.
  10. https://futurism.com/chatgpt-lost-mind Uh oh. As The Independent reports, ChatGPT users have spent the last 24 hours or so flocking to social media to share screenshots and anecdotes of bizarre interactions with the OpenAI chatbot — which, well, appears to be losing its mind. Screenshots show the AI's responses to seemingly normal queries devolving into total gibberish, or simply generating way too much content. In one case highlighted by the Independent, a Redditor shared that the AI — when asked a question about coding, mind you — provided a garrulous and mostly illogical answer that included the statement: "let's keep the line as if AI in the room." more in the link
  11. Oh, I don't want it to manipulate it to sound like a joke and be funny. I'm trying to see if I can outsource the tedious aspects of marriage to AI (trollface). I want it to generate what my wife wants to hear or read. I want AI to make me appear to be a better husband than I am. I want to be...
  12. My anniversary is coming up, so I decided to see if I could delegate conveying my personal, heartfelt emotions to AI. This is pretty awesome! With very little effort you too can be a digital Mr Wonderful doll, at least in written text. Prompt: Write a heartfelt letter to my wife for my anniversary. Please convey how important she is to me and how much I love her. Don't be too flowery with the words, make it sound informal and personal. Edit: The immoral hacker in me wants to see a catfishing mashup that integrates with online dating websites and ChatGPT/DALL-E to see how many people could be fooled into falling head over heels in love for an AI generated persona. I'm too lazy to ever act on that, but I bet you could catch a lot lonely hearts out there.
  13. A ruling class depends on another class to rule over. Ergo, fuck away, peasants!
  14. Elon is more Turducken than Turkey. He's an incel stuffed inside a nazi stuffed inside the world's richest man. I guess that makes him a Rinazcel.
  15. This is the 2nd time in recent weeks that Trump has brought up AI as something used to alter footage of him. This tells me that A) the pee tape is real and B) it’s about to surface. Bravo!
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