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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Goredho

  1. Jesus Christ, stop with the spiritual/supernatural fear mongering! Her feet are clearly an adaptation for wading through her own bullshit.
  2. I wouldn't read your yelp reviews if I were you.
  3. And yet despite his best attempts to self destruct, he's still out there leading major companies and actively making the world a shittier place. Because there is no rock bottom for billionaires.
  4. But... Gritty told me there would be severe consequences.
  5. I'm willing to donate to her gofundme onlyfans.
  6. The legitimacy of the judiciary is on trial as much as Trump is. He is not just undermining confidence in the judiciary among his base who buy into the witch hunt narrative. He’s undermining confidence in the judiciary in everyone else that witnesses it’s impotence when confronted with Donald Trump. He is really the perfect chaos agent.
  7. Jane Doe did not rape herself.
  8. Just in case, we don't really feel the same way.
  9. What’s the point of having fuck you money if you can’t collectively make the decent people in the world say, “FUCK YOU!”
  10. Alternatively, you could move out of Texbezikstan.
  11. SurlyNet scares me more than SkyNet.
  12. So it turns out Roseanne Barr was giving great advice about not attending college.
  13. o/~ The hills are alive with the sound of music freedom sexual assault. MAGA?
  14. It’s a mash up of those read your own adventure books and “The Da Vinci Code” that sucks people in and spits em out way down the fucking rabbit hole. To take the red pill and start doing your own research, turn to page 5 To take the blue pill and stay sane, close the fucking book and burn it
  15. Is it me or do all of these once normal people who take the red pill eventually mutate into Sloth from Goonies?
  16. Donald Trump strong-arming Boeing to cut the cost of Presidential jets is the apex of American capitalism. And by apex, I mean…
  17. I don't think you are wrong at all. Some things I have seen people struggling with since the onset of covid (age immaterial): Why the fuck do I need to take a shower today? Why the fuck do I need to brush my teeth today? Why the fuck do I need to put on clean clothes today? Why the fuck do I need to go to school/work/whatever today? Why the fuck do I even need to get out of bed today? Why the fuck am I doing anything when life is just a finite state machine of eat, shit, work, eat, work, eat, fuck around, sleep, repeat N times until you die?
  18. Yeah, I see a lot more general workplace apathy from the onset of covid on. Great resignation, quiet quitting, etc...
  19. If the internet had existed and been as available as it is today, I'd have stayed at home and done plenty of health/sex ed research.
  20. Vote accordingly and help others weigh their political options.
  21. As long as we are helping the Ukraine, we are doing shit to harm Putin and Russia. We've got a good old fashioned proxy war going on, and I love it. Reason #1238918123 to vote for Biden/not vote for Trump.
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