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Everything posted by Armybrat

  1. Remember several years ago how aggy fought against Texas Tech establishing a new veterinary school, but big bad evil UT supported the Techsters? Seems the farmers were being their usual selfish & insecure selves, and someone should rub their punchable faces in this story and remind them of their inability to deal with reality and the good of the country. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/04/29/pet-care-animal-hospitals-veterinary-crisis/73096878007/#
  2. Back to Old School basics…
  3. They really do that? I never have watched one of those shows, NFL nor college. And usually turn the sound down during the few pro & college games we watch. Mrs. Brat turns the tv sound off for the UT games and listens to Craig Way on her little radio with ear buds.
  4. Today’s porn is just a stepchild of the old order…..or so I’m told.
  5. Navy historian wonks should be able to answer your questions.
  6. What about LaRue? Aren’t they on the preferred list these days?
  7. The back yard tree was probably from water erosion in the little creek, plus wind. The tree on the street was wind, apparently, plus on the slope right next to the curb.
  8. He joined the Elks Lodge?
  9. Transporting them across the Pacific to airbases close to the WW2 operations.
  10. Gotta be at Spencer’s, right?
  11. They built their Olympic size swimming pool short too. Guess they ran out of tape measure.
  12. Not to mention the alcohol impairment of a large % of the remainder
  13. Backyard fire pit ….. which currently lies underneath that tree.
  14. A tree in the green belt behind my son’s house fell into his backyard, crushing his fence and garden. A few doors down another tree fell, blocking the street….
  15. Looked him up online - interesting interview by a reporter: https://luke.substack.com/p/the-man-who-bowled-a-perfect-game-c37
  16. I think I see what you did there.
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