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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by hornian

  1. Stealing this and posting to FB, without attribution. You can like my post if you want, though.
  2. Yup. I think I left at least $100k - $150k on the table by selling my house with lake views/private park and boat ramp in May of last year; but I also got my current house for about $250k less than it would sell for this year by getting it under contract in May of last year, so it more than evened out in the wash.
  3. Woke up to a nice steady rain today. .67” according to my rain gauge. Good start, but I want more!
  4. Now we know where the force field is centered.
  5. At the price point of these, when they get dull I buy a new one.
  6. Yeah, I actually prefer the non-scalloped edge ones myself, but lots of people prefer that one.
  7. https://www.missionrs.com/dexter-s14012scypcp-12-inch-roast-slicer-knife.html
  8. I got a good shower at about 7:45 this morning. I feel like I’m playing with house money.
  9. Truth. And a real piña colada (not one from a mix, not frozen) is one of the best summer drinks. The one at Under the Volcano in West U is my favorite in the State.
  10. hornian


    My new favorite burger is over at Turnstile on Burnet Road near the Q2 Stadium. My neighbor opened it as coffee/wiskey bar last march - and was forced to shut down the same week do to coronavirus. But he made it, and has now expanded to take over the spot that his place shares a parking lot with and has burgers in the evening. They are very very good burgers. I'm not just saying that because he's my neighbor - we were some of the test subjects when he was trying out recipes, but there was a lot we never tried until the place opened. I have not had a bad burger there - even their kids burger (ketchup, cheese, nothing else) is good due to the quality of the meat they used. Here's a few pics I snagged from their Facebook Page
  11. Picked this up at the Costco in North Austin today because of the “limited edition” bottle. Made a lot of painkillers with it. It was tasty.
  12. hornian


    Hank’s over on the East Side (in Windsor Park, on Bergman) has good to great desserts. They have a chantilly cake that is really good, and takes pretty pictures for your wife’s Instagram, but don’t sleep on their brioche donut holes. They are only $6 but might be my favorite dessert in Austin right now. If you go there on a Monday; their burgers are half price. A burger & fries, a drink, and the donuts will all be under $20 before tax and tip and it’s about the best meal in Austin at that price point.
  13. Except she's not really a Loki.
  14. Yeah; like that all of the TVA agents are So the theory about just got a little more plausible.
  15. I do agree with this. I’ve done plenty of title searches for divorce cases. It cost my client a lot more than $288. Time is money and title searches take time.
  16. Who else read this and wants to get into the title insurance business. Let’s get together and rake in the dough!
  17. Love me some parkway. So do the kids. So does the wife. It hits on all cylinders.
  18. She’s in love with it. And she was really soured on the whole delivery process. But she says it was worth it now.
  19. It’s so that the winners bracket team gets to be home team if needed for the final game.
  20. Should have checked car max just to see. I thought Tesla was giving us a good deal on my wife’s trade; but car max offered us $3600 mor (which was about 25% more than the trade through Tesla). I tried to get her to take that to Henna to get an extra $500 but she said that was too much of a hassle. And I guess Wednesday was delivery day in Austin; that’s when my wife got hers as well. Glad your experience was smoother than ours.
  21. Probably. I moved here to be closer to family. I’ll pm you.
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