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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by hornian

  1. Dicker would have made that if the goal posts were centered
  2. Good advice; but you’re telling me I have to find another business lawyer to refer to in less than 10 years? Girl! (I originally typed “furk” but it autocorrected to girl, which works even better.)
  3. Thanks. I'm trying to decide between this or the Sling + Sports packages. The content and price is pretty comparable.
  4. Vidgo Folks...how's it work/look on streaming boxes/TV? Hard to deal with no DVR? I need a DVR for sports most of all! No NBCSN would be a speed bump for me, but it's going away here before long any way. Quoting the folks who have used Vidgo, as well as DCLonghorn because I have the same questions.
  5. Great story. You tell it so well. With such enthusiasm.
  6. Pretty sure you did. And I know I did it with my house that I bought and the other house I sold last year.
  7. Yeah, Spicewood/McNeil and 183 still shitty. One exit up.
  8. Weird. I liked it when it moved from checks to Venmo. That was the best.
  9. The Bill Millers Chicken Sandwich is criminally underrated. Respeck.
  10. I can’t imagine going from married dad of two 5 year olds to widowed single dad (I know people who can, but I don’t). Anyone know how his wife passed?
  11. Not sure if this video will embed, but here's a video of the underpass taken around 4:00 p.m. today (8/31/2021) - cleared out. IMG_2171.mov
  12. This is a photo from today at the 183/Oak Knoll underpass. They actually cleaned it out today. Saw them loading all the trash/tents into a dumpster truck with a mechanical arm. Can't believe it actually happened.
  13. Which brings me to my favorite Venture Bros quote: "Don't Wince"
  14. Jeez, I thought I was bad (family of 4, my wife/kids eat there at least 1x a week, sometimes more). I think our worst damage in a month was like $200.00 - $300.00
  15. I'm 622 points from "Signature Status" - which is even higher than Red. Take that. Also, this thread made me go get a spicy chicken biscuit for breakfast. I didn't realize they weren't nationwide.
  16. I have it on good authority that emu is the next waygu.
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