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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by hornian

  1. I’ve been getting targeted ads about a study for this in CenTex. I hope I don’t ever qualify for the study though.
  2. Ain't no one reading this thread and able to pay $145 for a hoodie "trim and athletic."
  3. This. We tripled the spread and you’re concerned about point shaving? I’m a little concerned about your cognitive functioning.
  4. 1) agreed 2) We are adding 45 square feet/demoing a slab and tying back in with new foundation/adding a gable roof. So City if Austin required us to show where “critical root zones” are for some reasons. 3) no clue. They actually responded yesterday and said they want a call on Monday. I’ll believe that when I actually get the call. 4) Bull Creek/2222 in Austin.
  5. OU isn’t as bad? They’ve had 4 games. This isn’t an anomaly, it’s a trend. Even Riley said Post game his offense isn’t where it should be. That said, they will look like the 85 Bears against us in 2 weeks in Dallas.
  6. You think that Phil have a pretty hot and tempting? You do you.
  7. This was pretty accurate.
  8. The previous owner did a weird remodel where they took out a wall. Basically made a weird jack and Jill layout with an adjacent bedroom that now connects to the master bath. Need to put that wall back, and we need to add an exterior window for safety/fire code and because we want a window there.
  9. ABC also needs a better field mic. Sounds like the band is in the soccer stadium.
  10. ABC needs to figure out how to show a replay without it bleeding over the next play.
  11. It looks like a contractor I signed up with to get a limited remodel (to change our front entry and turn a room into a nursery) done this year is just completely dropping the ball and I will likely need to cancel the contract and try to get some of the money I have paid back. I'm very disappointed for not doing this month's ago, because the signs were there, but you live and learn. Here's a (believe it or not) abbreviated timeline: March: Sign the contract to have the work done. The scope of work includes remodeling a room to create a nursery - which is important, because we found out my wife was pregnant in February, and that she was due in November. Contractor is aware of this timeline, and the contract says that work should start 4-8 weeks after the contract is signed, and be done in June or July, in plenty of time. This is what the contract says about cancellation: If cancelation request is received after the 14 day period, a 10% cancelation fee of the total contract will be applied, in addition to any expenses, fees, materials, services rendered, etc. Both the Contractor and the Clients, or any affiliated party, family member, etc, shall not make any negative statements or comments, written or oral, about one another (or any businesses of which the Parties have actual knowledge are affiliated with one another) to any third party in any public or private forum, including any online consumer ratings service, with regard to the circumstances surrounding or giving rise to the Work, Property, Project, and Dispute. Any statements or comments in violation of this section shall be deemed a material breach of the Contract. The Parties agree and acknowledge that this non-disparagement provision is a material term of this Contract, the absence of which would have resulted in the Parties refusing to enter into this Contract. In the event the Contractor meets requirements of this Contract and the Client make disparaging statements or ratings, written or oral, the Contractor is legally entitled to pursue all damages and Client will be responsible for fees incurred." Side note - I'd like them to actually try to enforce that non-disparagement provision and counterclaim with an Anti-SLAPP motion so fast their heads would spin. April: "Onboarding" starts - it is described as a 5-6 week process where we pick the actual materials (doors, windows, lights, etc.) while all the plans are finalized and submitted for permitting. It's supposed to be finished by the end of April. There are problems with this process and despite multiple messages through their project management portal to the "onboarding coordinator" materials selections aren't finalized in April (first clue things were not going to go smoothly). Also in April, they have an engineer cut a hole in my ceiling near where the construction is happening to see the framing to get the plans finalized and submitted to the city for permits. They didn't patch this up, because the work was supposed to start in May or June at the latest. I also signed for a "demolition permit" to be submitted, so I assume the permitting is going smoothly (spoiler alert - it was not). May: Still not through onboarding, materials still not finalized. I send multiple messages and have multiple phone calls that we are concerned because the materials aren't finalized and permits still not submitted. I remind them multiple times about the construction needing to be completed before November due to baby's due date. Also, permits still not submitted to the city and plans apparently still not finalized from engineer (although I was not made aware of this at the time). June: Still not through onboarding, send multiple emails about concern with the process timeline and the need for the work to be done before November. The hold up is blamed on matching a window to the existing window on the budget in the original contract. I approve a change order to pay for a more expensive window to match the existing windows in the house on the phone. Well past the 4-8 week timeline in contract for construction to start. Permits FINALLY submitted on June 29th. July: I get sent the change order and I pay for it. I am under the impression that the windows would be ordered as soon as I paid that change order, as well as the other materials we selected (front door, lights, etc.). I again express my concern that we are now half-way into the pregnancy and construction hasn't started. I am told as soon as the permits are approved that construction will begin, and will be done well before November. At the end of July, find out that the permits were rejected - becasue the company failed to include a tree survey that is required by CoA. August: Tree survey that is required is done, permit application resubmitted. I again have multiple conversations (in writing and on the phone) about my concerns with the timeline and the requirement construction be completed before November. I am told, in writing that everything is ready for construction and we should be able to start the week after permits are approved, and I am also told in writing "I am confident that the project will be completed before November." September: Permits finally approved. I am finally moved from "on boarding" to the construction phase (allegedly). In the final close out for onboarding, they send my a list to confirm all the materials. The window is wrong. I email and confirm the window that was approved in June and paid for in July. I get an email back that says "That is the window that has been ordered." When I finally talk to the construction engineer, he lets it slip that the windows haven't been ordered, and that there's usually a 10-12 week lead-time. At this point I start going back and putting together a timeline to show how fucked up it is about the windows. I send a written message on Sept. 16th with the timeline for the window (being approved in June, paid for in July, told in writing they were already ordered). No response. I have a walk through with the construction engineer, thinking that was going to be what was needed to get on the construction calendar. Nope. He says he needs to also have a walkthrough with all the trades at some point. I reiterate again that this has to start immediately, because it has to be finished in less than 6 weeks at this point. He promises me that he will call me Friday the 24th with the date that the additional walk through will happen so we can actually get on the construction calendar. After this, I send a detailed letter, with 6-months worth of messages promising a completion date before November, and ask that I am contacted to tell me what is going to be done to meet this promised deadline. I'm met with radio silence (the message about the windows on the 16th was also never replied to). And the construction engineer did NOT call me yesterday (the 24th) as promised. At this point, I'm resigned to the work not actually being completed in November, so I don't want them to start unless they can assure me all work can be started and completed in the next 5 weeks. I don't believe any materials have actually been ordered over the last 6 months, and for sure none have been delivered to my house. What I do have is a set of approved plans and open permits (and a hole in my ceiling that has been there for 5 months). There is no way that this is going to be done by November, and I'm not going to have construction going on when I have a newborn at home. I want to get the money I've paid to date refunded to me (less what they can prove they paid for permits and anything else), and change contractors, to get this job started next Spring when my baby is at least 6 months old. Besides bringing in a lawyer (which I will do if needed, that's not a problem for me), what can I do to get the contractor to refund my money and transfer the permits to a new contractor?
  12. @KaiserSoze is moving in on my territory
  13. The whole season or just the first episode?
  14. 47 this morning according to my backyard weather station near Bull Creek and 2222
  15. We've had more 100 degree days in September than in June, July, and August combined. Don't let the door hit you on the way out, blastfurnace.
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