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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Rimbo

  1. Eh, it's just bein' Socratic, really. It's more or less what How to Win Friends and Influence People covers, sorta; you'll never win an argument by having one. (I don't argue to change people's minds; I do it because I'm an asshole who enjoys arguing.) You change people's minds by getting them to wander over to the right conclusion themselves. You start by finding out how they got there. Then ask them why they didn't take a different path. It's not necessarily about cutting through in the moment, either. For this kind of thinking, it's about planting seeds that might not sprout for a year or even a decade later.
  2. You're still doing it. The key is to get him to question his information, not for you to look things up for him. You don't even have to point out that his information is literally just some crap he made up. You just ask him where he got that information, how you might verify it yourself. You're letting him engage in lazy thinking.
  3. Did a Summer job for a reinsurance company in Austin back when I was in undergrad. They deal with amounts of money that are staggering. Basically, the way it works is... if you want to insure something huge, like an entire resort complex, no single insurance company can afford to insure the whole thing; if it goes down, it'll take the company with it. So a primary insurer takes, say, the first $1M worth of claims. They're responsible for everything under that. Then, they sell the rest of the value of the thing to reinsurance companies. The next $1M-$50M will be held by another company; the next $50M-$200M by another, and so on until the whole thing is covered. The reinsurance companies cover more of the value, but pay fewer of the claims, and the risk is managed by being covered by a bunch of companies. To give you an idea of the kind of money they deal with -- and remember, this is back in the 1990s -- hear this true story. It's late July. I'm helping one underwriter (let's call him Andy) with a printer issue, and another underwriter comes in (let's call him Bob) because he lost $75M on a claim. Bob is whining that the owner is going to fire him over it, while Andy's reassuring Bob that he did the numbers right and that these things happen. Bob meanders off, and Andy turns to me and says, "He's being modest. He could lose that much every day for the rest of the year, and still come out ahead." That's one underwriter, in late July, who could lose $75M every day of the year and would stll be ahead. At 1990s prices. They deal with amounts of money that are staggering. No, it means Knight will have to pay.
  4. ok so basically if our starters can't pitch a complete game no-hitter, our bullpen will give up the game this year got it
  5. Basically this. Things are looking so good right now that, other than a certain poster who shall remain nameless, there's literally nothing to complain about. We don't know what to do. Oh, and the Lady Horns are out of the tournament, so NOW we can start paying attention... to softball!
  6. And you KNOW Biden is going to be blasting that to every retiree in every state, battleground or not.
  7. That assumes there's any plan at all. There's not one and never was. The GOP is the dog who finally caught the car, and now they're facing the consequences. I predicted a while back that we'd witness the end of the Republican Party due to Trump. We're starting to see its dismantling more clearly now.
  8. That's true of so many things that have become the GOP platform. Basic facts, like evolution and vaccines, have no business being political issues, either. Verifiable truths, like the complete lack of election shenanigans (except for the free examples which almost all happen to be the GOP stuffing ballot boxes), should be reported as such, too. But here we are, as we have always been...
  9. to be fair, everything's down a bit today not getting my hopes up just yet
  10. huh? I see $45 as today's low. IPO price was $34. Unless you mean the price it started trading at. I'm really glad I sold when I did. Got lucky. I think a lot of folks are shorting it out planning to short it.
  11. Well, my church (United Church of Christ) is absolutely political, but on the other side of the spectrum. We are aggressively pro-LGBTQ+, in particular.
  12. There aren't. They definitely exist, but enough to curtail? While there's no sense in calling me decent, my church, I feel, is largely just gonna have to let the rest of the churches fall. I think we recognize they've already fallen, and there's nothing we can do to stop them any more. American Fundamentalists have been going down this path for over a hundred years, now, and they won the war. The rest of us hang out together in our own tiny churches. Oddly enough, we're gaining members just a little bit faster than we're losing them, and it's death that takes 'em when they leave, not anything else. We're here, we're not going anywhere, we join Pride marches and learn about Trans allyship, because that's what we think Jesus would do, and you're welcome to come on in any time. But we're grossly outnumbered. There's nothing we can do.
  13. Picked up a book at a bookstore yesterday called Republican Jesus. Looking forward to the read. Author seems to actually know what he's talking about, and you can see the folks giving his book one-star reviews on Amazon are absolute dipshits.
  14. It was straight from the book. Except the version from the book was black and a gangster. Ahhh, the 1960s; you could get away with naming a character Pussy Galore, but you couldn't get away with having a white man kiss a black woman.
  15. Well, there's another poster on my ignore list. And suddenly the last few pages are... so much... quieter. More pleasant. Like an idyllic forest creek in the Fall.
  16. It's not about where you're projected to be; it's about where you are. Not saying Mukuba won't catch up to the changes on defense at least as fast as Taafe, but we don't know until we see them do it. If projections were all that mattered, we'd have won a lot more games under Mack Brown.
  17. I find that by sowing the seeds of nightmare seasons' past leads to me reaping the harvest of appreciation for the state of the program today. It was no accident that years of neglect recruiting appropriately skilled Large Humans on the OL led to unnecessary hits taking their toll on our star QB in a national title game. Studs like Manning and Ewers aren't just here today because of the premier tutelage of Steven Sarkisian; they are here because due to what's going on with Flood and Choice, they will have time to learn and develop into that role without getting pulverized or having to dial back the learning to play hero-ball, like Ehlinger or Ash or both McCoys had to. We can point the blame at single plays made by a smart but less-athletic safety, but if we'd recruited and developed at every position then the way we are doing now, those failures would be mere footnotes.
  18. was about to be very disappointed in Surly if this didn't make the first page
  19. Oh, and then there's the one he caught in the title game against Bama that would've been a turnover on downs if he'd knocked it down.
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