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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Rimbo

  1. Naw, see, that was the short book. For YGIFS you need "When Mr. Bilbo Baggins of Bag End announced that he would shortly be celebrating his eleventy-first birthday with a party of special magnificence, there was much talk and excitement in Hobbiton." No.
  2. I mean, he might be a misogynist asshole with no game. Spoiler alert: he is. 3 outta 4 is confirmed. Just that there's no fucking way he's straight. I literally get validated for being straight every minute of every day of my life by doing nothing. That's what privilege is, right? So there's no need, ever, for any straight person to have to prove it. We can wear purple lipstick or literally dress like a girl and still date/marry 10s. It's easy. You only have something to prove... if you got something to prove. And you only got something to prove if you're not the thing you're trying so hard to be. It's like all them fun-duh-mentalist guys who go after gays and talking about resisting the temptation. Them bitches don't realize that if you're straight, there's no temptation for you to "resist." (Never mind that God made you that way and loves you for it. They're wrong that way, too.) Dude needs to get himself reconciled with himself. Figure out his daddy issue or mommy issue that makes him broke. Then, he'll be cool to come out of that closet and be who he has always been.
  3. Read what I wrote above. He's gay, he doesn't want to admit it to himself, so he comes up with all these dumb things, treats women like trash, so to try and prove how NOT gay he is.
  4. There is no way Andrew Tate is straight. No straight white man needs this much validation, has to go to such lengths, has to move the goalposts so many times and so far, to prove how white and straight he is. If you're white, cisgendered, and ACTUALLY straight, everything we live and breathe validates us for being what we are. There's nothing to prove. In fact Tate might very well be the gayest man alive.
  5. That said, jokes about it are hilarious. https://www.theonion.com/eric-trump-only-potential-juror-uninformed-enough-to-se-1851410986 Eric Trump Only Potential Juror Uninformed Enough To Serve At Father’s Trial PublishedYesterday NEW YORK—Noting that the former president’s high-profile antics had made it exceedingly difficult to move ahead with the case, sources confirmed Monday that Eric Trump was the only potential juror uninformed enough to serve at his father’s trial. “While the majority of other individuals in the pool were immediately disqualified for having too strong of a bias either for or against the former president, Donald Trump’s son Eric was the most oblivious, ignorant person we’d seen,” said court clerk James Deacon, adding that out of hundreds of prospective jurors of all ages, genders, races, and incomes, Eric Trump was the only person who was unable to answer a single question about his father’s employment, his financial crimes, or his four years as president of the United States. “Despite being the president’s son, Eric could not say for certain whether he had ever attended a Trump rally, what Donald Trump did for a living, or what political party he belonged to. In fact, when we asked Eric if he knew his own first or last name, he just stared at us and drooled. Unfortunately, that makes him the most qualified potential juror in all of Manhattan.” At press time, Eric Trump had been disqualified from the jury after Donald Trump walked into the court, at which point Eric stood up, began to cheer, and repeatedly yelled: “That’s my daddy! That’s my daddy!”
  6. https://www.threads.net/@1.paul.a/post/C51z3toM4c8/?xmt=AQGzSIO_sc2WgYJiPnBc6a8GGp3LaK0lk-lwhp6WcRb2jg I just keep finding more links to Biden's "might do better on my tax plan than his" and rewatching them (because it just keeps getting funnier every time) and found this gem on the Truth Social stock: "It's approaching a level where Gaetz might date it."
  7. Yeah. I'm astonished how long his CV is before this movie, going back to cereal commercials as a kid. But this was the "Hey who is that guy stealing every scene" movie. Like when Rickman played Gruber in Die Hard.
  8. DO YOU EVEN KNOW YOUR DAUGHTER? There's no WAY she likes that song! ...uhohhmm... is she in a coma?
  9. I don't know if this was Jack Black's first role, but it was the one that really broke him out, wasn't it? Stole every goddamn scene so hard. How does Cusack not lose it in these scenes? I can only figure that since he only ever has that sad puppy dog eyes look (and tbf is a VERY good dad puppy dog eyes look; 9,237 high-grossing romcoms don't lie) he's just laughing on the inside.
  10. On the yet again vain hope we can talk actual football, here's today's presser. Sark doesn't seem so happy at the beginning.
  11. I stand corrected. Uhm, no. Being skeptical just means what I said: The more you want something to be true, the more careful you have to be when you examine the facts, because human nature is to see what we want to see. Pretty much all of us want Trump convicted, thrown into jail, stripped of his properties, and of course, defeated yet again in November. But this leads us to believe he's guilty of things even when, by the strict letter of the law, he might not be; it makes it look like he's getting away with crimes when, strictly, he's not.
  12. Just because we want Trump to be prosecuted for crimes doesn't mean we're going to be credulous to every accusation and assume every fact against him is correct, and every exonerating bit is wrong. Y'all are doing that, and it sets you up for this mind-numbingly stupid NoThInG wIlL hApPeN! hE kEePs GeTtInG aWaY wItH iT! every time reality happens and you discover that, oh yes, there is more to the story than just the evidence you want to believe. TwiceHorn's a defense attorney. It's his job to spot the holes in a prosecution's case. And the more you want a claim to be true, the healthier it is to be skeptical of any evidence in favor of it.
  13. No, it's the idea that this is somehow different from any other case that's silly. Like Donald alone is getting special treatment for this. "Innocent until proven guilty" isn't just a witty catchphrase; it's a framework around which our legal system is built. Unless you're black. Unfortunate oversight that needs correction, that.
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