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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Rimbo

  1. don't knock it til you've tried it i don't call em horns. i call em love handles
  2. Good for them, and I hope they're very happy together.
  3. what teh fuck does this bullshit even mean ... who drop easy interceptions in critical games
  4. Speak for yourselves. Would. With a vengeance.
  5. the Streisand Effect lives
  6. I don't think that's very funny at all.
  7. You know, I've got that one friend who never married, whose only girlfriend in high school came out as lesbian soon after, and had a lot of weightlifting magazines as a teenager. I mean hey... if he wants to tell me at any time, he's welcome to do it. But I can understand why he might still not have said anything, even after all these years.
  8. Calling what I said "Aggie" is ridiculously overboard, don't you think? We did have larger than most schools' scholarship rosters before 1965, and it was an advantage for us. I should be able to say that without some dumbshit accusation of "aggy"-ness. S&C is obviously critical in taking advantage of that (cf Nebraska's in the 80's and 90's when they had a gazillion walk-ons on hometown scholarships), which is why I had "player development" explicitly called out above.
  9. This is God tier excellence and I can't wait to dive deep into it.
  10. Right? I think a lot of us have been burned so badly over the past... oh, 30 or 40 years... that the idea we would be ahead in any ONE of these areas: - offensive scheme - paying players - stacking the roster - developing talent - coaching staff hires ...is just completely alien to us. The only one (and a half) we've ever had any advantage on among the above since I started following college ball was staff hires and DB/DT development; Mack Brown put together a really good staff in the mid-00's, even if it had some major flaws here and there. You gotta go back to the DKR days when we had an offensive scheme advantage and (thanks to a lack of scholarship limits) stacking the roster. (I think there's a possibility we'll be able to do this with NIL, too. I like the direction we're going in with it, and I'm grateful the guys behind Texas One seem to know what they're doing.) I can't really judge player development so well. We had GREAT DL development under Mack Brown, for sure; you knew if we recruited a blue chip, he'd be great. But pickings in the WR room have been thin for a long time, and even when we had talent under Mack, only one of those guys (McGarity) showed up to the NFL ready to play. Just saying... it takes time for people to get their heads around How Things Are Now. CTJ's telling us the same things about our team he was last off-season (i.e. "People who I know who are NEVER high on the team have turned into slobbering golden retrievers over our players") and I'm still struggling with the idea.
  11. You're not wrong. Granted everything from 1984 on was on Simmons drums, because there wasn't enough room in Ed's studio for anything bigger. Then you hear him on "Live Without a Net" and it's like... oh. Much better. But even the early stuff... yeah, dunno why he tuned em like that. The value, though, is that shuffle feel he has, especially when Ed's doing the shuffle feel on his guitar at the same time. See "Hot for Teacher" above.
  12. I mean, seriously, unless she's like hideously ugly, that's always a win.
  13. Do you ever think about listening to a Hall & Oates song, and grin at the idea that you're contributing royalties that they're going to fight over? because I just did
  14. i have suddenly decided that whatever I get, it's going to be new
  15. are those... coffee stains?
  16. It's just a single data point that follows all that has happened since Roe v. Wade was overturned. We've talked about abortion being a case of the dog finally catching the car. That's what happened in Alabama, and what happened in 2022. I can't overemphasize the importance of 2022; the Presidents' party rarely increases its lead in a mid-term election. The Republicans sinking the border deal is another -- they delivered this issue straight into the Democrats' open arms; that's what we saw in Long Island. Where issues impact people in real ways, that's where we see the votes going, and right now, the Democrats are holding a royal flush and the GOP has a Jack high.
  17. So what Js1 said is what I tried to do. I don't know if it got through, but I have to say it, hoping that it'll make an impression. I think the message I want to give him is: If you wait until politics affects you to start caring about it, by then, it will be too late; start caring about it now, so you don't end up in that position. He has an interest in guns, which has made him vulnerable to NRA bullshit. When he shares their arguments with me (as if they were his own), all I can say is, "I used to say those things myself." And hopefully that'll push the door open to investigation on his own part. I can't change his mind for him.
  18. it's a percentage, so it's the same ratio i buy whatever gets me the most sausage per dollar; sometimes you get these "$x if you buy 5" deals on the smaller packs
  19. And this is the second actual election where we've seen this just this year, with the Long Island Congressional vote being the first. Unless you want to include all the primary results. 😁 And yet, Nate Silver will find a way to ignore it. Map of those pockets: (affected areas are in light yellow) See Long Island results above. I'm sure it is if the pollsters WANT to fix it, but they aren't even at the phase of recognizing that there's a problem yet. As long as media companies are willing to keep paying them for the shit they're pooping out now, they have no need to change. Parental disappointment. Fortunately, we live in California, where his vote will be like the federally allowed amount of rat shit in your Jimmy Dean sausage -- you cringe that it's there, but it's not enough to make you not buy and eat the delicious, tasty Jimmy Dean sausage. Mmmmmm.
  20. my son has informed me that he's wasting his first-ever vote in November on Vermin Supreme
  21. I might pray to God to bless Trump, but it means an entirely different thing when I say it than when MAGA says it. Because what God offers us is not power, glory, and defeating your enemies, but peace. Acceptance. Honesty. Can you imagine if one morning, Trump woke up and suddenly realized that he didn't have to do any of this? That he could tell the truth? That he could accept the lawsuits and the bankruptcies and all that nonsense? It would be better for everyone -- but especially for Donald J. Trump. But I don't think that's what MAGA means when they say that. I don't think they know what Jesus is about, either.
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