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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Longhorn_Fan68

  1. maybe. or maybe most assume someone else will do it. you know, like everything else in their lives.
  2. sounds like a threat. lock him up! but, really, who is he and why should I give a shit? also, what? the message makes no sense, other than the veiled threat
  3. because they know he's guilty as hell. they're just hoping he gets away with it. they have no backup plan. and that's why it's imperative he be punished.
  4. well, that VERY last part is the problem. they are self-funding.
  5. thanks. quiz me on death metal, architecture, hockey, random 80's trivia and I'd know it. economics, not so much.
  6. had the same thought. she's looking for a golden parachute at this point.
  7. good god, they are completely fucking shameless, aren't they?
  8. I seriously do not know enough about economics to know whether that is sarcasm. that's sarcasm, right?
  9. Republican spin: see? The economy is so bad even kids have to work!
  10. I'll say this, that cover does not make me want to read that.
  11. lol, forgot about that episode
  12. yeah, and that was nearly 3 years ago. think of everything that has happened since. you might want take a valium or something before you go so you don't punch anyone. 🤣
  13. we seriously mental health guardrails in this country
  14. is the onion publicly traded? they're fucking gold right now
  15. oh man the next of either gonna be lit. they've had lots of time to marinate
  16. lol, Notrees. no shit. what an environmental disaster
  17. maybe it's uh, new information? you know, like the name implies?
  18. but maybe they got drafted from the cyber army to the real one. putin needs bodies
  19. I do thank that person for learning me the word "agita."
  20. I mean, Moscow Mitch is not the some liberal fever dream of a moniker. dude has pushed kremlin-back agenda for decades. and if not them, china
  21. dude, I'm just killing time here. lol
  22. "Oh, Prayer Breakfast, I thought it said Player Breakfast. Muh bad."
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