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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Longhorn_Fan68

  1. not to pick nits, but you should have it shredded - there's likely a lot of ss #'s in that pile. you won't have to do shit but call the company and they'll bring a truck out and do it for you.
  2. The bird is back. Wtf is going on?
  3. when is Ginni's traitor ass getting a target letter for Mr. Smith?
  4. that's just how sleepy he is, man. 2 years and he ruined Texas.
  5. shows you how overstated it is on how hard it is to become one. ***whistles past stories of Rex Heuermann*** 🤣
  6. these people just can't help but step on their dicks/clits, can they?
  7. just logged in and the bird is gone. X doesn't make sense. guess I will need to read up on his stupid reasoning for the change
  8. I don't think their tactics are any different than they have been my whole life. Difference is a lot more people are savvy to their bullshit and see right through it. But that's a demon of their own making. Keep fucking that chicken, pubs
  9. fuck Israel. it's way past time we stop propping them up. I have never heard a good argument as to why we send them so much money. Key protector if the region? Orly? which recent conflicts have they prevented or stopped? as best as I can tell they only use their military against people who have as much right to be there as they do. they could share, but they don't want to. their bigotry is no more tolerable than the versions we have here at home.
  10. what a horrible piece of shit. I hope Biden brings the fucking hammer now
  11. come on, man. it's not even a hard fucking search. lol https://www.google.com/search?q=i+love+being+woke+quote&rlz=1C1VDKB_enUS1008US1008&oq=i+love+being+woke+quote&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i64l3.4934j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  12. because it's a quote? is this a trick question?
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