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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Longhorn_Fan68

  1. ok, fair, I did have my generation timeline off a bit (it seems to change every time I check it), but don't tell me Gen X isn't raising Gen Z - I'm late Gen X and all of my friends have kids, many already leaving for college.
  2. have they tried not fucking with things? that seemed to work for a long goddamn time.
  3. I really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, wish lying came with swifter and more severe punishment. We simply cannot continue to exist when one side just flat out lies about LITERALLY everything.
  4. ah yes, that old tired trope. I couldn't find the info I wanted, but these are close. The youngs are voting at the same rate as the olds - or closer than they have in my lifetime - and there are more of them. 18-44 is 36% of the population. 65+ (think of the age range there) is only 17%. Like everything else it's that middle 25% that could make things interesting. Re 2020 election: "For citizens ages 18-34, 57% voted in 2020, up from 49% in 2016. In the 35-64 age group, turnout was 69%, compared to 65% in 2016. In the 65 and older group, 74% voted in 2020, compared to 71% in 2016." https://www.census.gov/library/stories/2021/04/record-high-turnout-in-2020-general-election.html#:~:text=For citizens ages 18-34,compared to 71% in 2016. 2021 Census Data Age structure Under 18 years 22.2% (2021)[6] 18–44 years 35.9% (2021)[6] 45–64 years 25.2% (2021)[6] 65 and over 16.8% (2021)[6] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_the_United_States So if 4M youngins turn 18 before the next election and they vote in at least the same name numbers as 2020, 2024 gonna look pretty dismal for the pubs. I think people forget the missing generation, Generation X, is raising Millenials and Gen Z. You can bet they're not teaching their kids the same bullshit, parroted in the quotes above, they believed forever. Low turnout favors the oppressors. The younger generations already see. tl;dr: the gop is fucked (and rightfully so)
  5. First, that dude looked angry and clearly what he said rattled the man in adult diapers. Second, K9 dogs don't just go off. They have to be ordered to act, so it wouldn't have mattered if he switched hands. That's not a signal. I'm still leaning towards he told him to fuck off and die.
  6. Someone explain it to me like I'm 5. Inflation rates have been going down consistently for a while. And as we've seen over half of current inflation is corporate profits, so what does this do? Are they trying to torpedo the economy?
  7. I live in South Austin and since I've been here I've seen skunks, coyotes, foxes, armadillos, snakes, lizards, possums, raccoons, all types of birds including birds of prey. I'd love to set up a camera in the back yard to capture these creatures and have it record automatically (preferably by motion), but I'd prefer it save to an external device that i can easily pull the video from. I've looked at a lot of trail cams and traditional home security systems and kinda got tired head. Since this is the hobby board I'd like to use some extra components i have (old chrome os mini computer, raspberry pi, old laptop, external drives, etc), if possible. But am willing to purchase stuff too. Is it just as simple as getting a trail came a few sd cards and just swapping them out every so often? Or is there something a little more sophisticated that might deliver better results? Thanks in advance
  8. lol? thread is that way-----------------> or I guess explain how either of these made you go "oh cool"
  9. ... he says while packing up his chainsaw? how do you know which side the tree needed to land... unless you were there!?
  10. hahahaha, this video followed right after that one
  11. still turn into a kid when I see the Blue Angels. such pretty death machines
  12. Participation Trophy. Pubs love those. I remember people on whatever board was around when Perry was leaving and we were trying to figure out who the heir apparent was - a lot of people said watch out for Abbott. He's worse than Perry and loves to rile up the pretend Christians too. Those people were right. I think he's been vile ever since his god took his ability to get an erection. fuck him.
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