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WhatTheBuck last won the day on July 4 2019

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  1. Your wife is a Christian minister, right?
  2. I get it. Hindsight is 20/20. If she had only lived a few months longer than it wouldn’t be an issue and you wouldn’t be indirectly calling me a moron. If you want to put term limits on Supreme Court justices, I’m willing to listen to your argument. Yes, in retrospect, it would’ve been nice if Obama could’ve appointed her replacement rather than Trump. It would also be really nice if McConnell wasn’t a massive piece of shit who stole two SCOTUS seats for blatantly partisan and unconstitutional reasons. Let’s not lose sight of who the real villains are here.
  3. Hang up your scalpel, doc. I’ve decided you’re too old to practice. That should be my decision and not yours, right? i get the arguments. It’s easy to armchair QB the topic. But we have rights and freedoms in this country and RBG was totally within hers. If she only could’ve held on for a few more months. Or better yet, if McConnell wasn’t a scurrilous, hypocritical scumbag. That’s the bigger issue. Ginsberg was a great person. McConnell is a massive piece of shit whom I can’t wait to talk about in the past tense. He deserves to die. She didn’t. C’est la vie.
  4. By whom? You? I won’t let you tell me shit about what I should do with my life and my work. I can respect RGB’s choice to virtually tell you to fuck off as well. Just a few months longer and it wouldn’t be an issue. Yeah, hindsight is 20/20 but she took her shot. I get it. You wanted her to appease your desires, not her own. I respect her right to do what SHE wants. Sue me.
  5. That was her right. It’s a lifetime appointment. We can debate whether that should be a thing. But as it stands now, it’s a thing and she had every right to do what she did. If she only could’ve held on for a few months longer. It’s sucks that she didn’t but it is what it is. She seemed like she was still mentally sharp right up until the end. I try to put myself in her shoes (robe?) and I can identify with the attitude of ‘Fuck you, I’ll decide when it’s my time to retire.’ Just a few months longer and we wouldn’t be having this discussion.
  6. He hates dogs. He’s probably never been near one.
  7. If they had a sense of humor, they would’ve scheduled her yesterday. But like the song says, Tuesday’s just as bad.
  8. Oh, for sure. I was just saying it for the lawyerly folks who like to insist she’s just dumb.
  9. I have my scripted response. It’s obvious bullshit but I’m going to keep repeating it. That’s my strategy.
  10. At least he’d only be ordering McDonalds and KFC.
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