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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Sbbruin

  1. And sorry Dabo. Kirby is now seated at the right hand of Lord Saban.
  2. I just went to submit a post and it disappeared.
  3. I just heard this was the most lopsided score in the history of any bowl game ever. Is that possible? Seems so.
  4. Ok the tampon and slurring ones were good.
  5. If you haven't been, it IS a pretty bitchin' stadium. But agreed on the Rose Bowl. Should host it every year.
  6. SC settled on Pete Carroll after numerous rejections. Sometimes it just works out
  7. There is really no world in which Cronin would pick the Longhorn job over the UCLA job.
  8. This really is a bridge too far. I should be able to travel down the deep dark rabbit holes of porn search without fear of being outed.
  9. Is,it common in Texas to heat your house with electricity? Natural gas furnaces have to heat 98% of houses here.
  10. See, this type of stupidity at the helm of our nation frightens the hell out of me. And most of the Magats didn’t even blink.
  11. Dumbass. At the end when the cop goes to deal with the other guy, that’s your opening to split quick.
  12. I thought the same but have read numerous quotes suggesting he’s really untouchable. We’ll see. The Dodgers thought long and hard about it, as a frontline starter is at the top of the needs list right now.
  13. Between Iran’s repressive human rights abuses, including murdering its people, and its exporting of weapons to Russia for use against Ukraine, it’s time we really step up are subversive attacks against this despotic regime. Cyber attacks, CIA assassinations, maybe a bombing or two of strategic nuclear sites. WTF they gon do ‘bout it?
  14. Ah I kept digging and found what I had previously ordered. Iconic https://www.drinkiconic.com/pages/protein-drinks
  15. I’m talking ready to drink type. Lie, Ensure or Boost but I know there are much better options. I ordered a good one when I was on chemo but I can’t for the life of me figure out where I ordered it or what it was called. But trying to transition off of the feeding tube to a “normal” diet (well, what will be my new normal). I just can’t seem to get enough nutrition by mouth but really want to get this tube out. So something with plenty of protein and also a good vitamin and nutrient makeup. Your recs are appreciated
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