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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by CHIEF

  1. My son and his buddies have started using chatGPT for writing lab reports and term papers for class. Cut and paste a supporting paragraph from an article into chatGPT that supports your view on the subject, and ask it to rewrite it with a few extra comments. It takes about 45 minutes, and it turns out a stellar report or essay that cannot be recognized as being plagiarized (and let's be real, this is what we were basically doing manually in college). This has been a boon for him, as he has dysgraphia, and writing has always been his big "thorn" since kindergarten. This is the new norm in colleges apparently. He and his fellow students are way ahead of the curve. CHIEF
  2. Super talented, even played bass for Zepplin. CHIEF
  3. You can put up to about 32 RV spots per acre, but it would be extremely cramped. 20 per acre, you can maneuver and park. They rent from $400 to $450 per month per spot without electricity provided. They make individual secondary meters to put at each spot for electric. I'm working on $10k cost per spot, land, utilities, concrete, and paving. Maybe include a picnic table at each location. That is a possible cashflow of $8k/acre/month. Even at 60% occupancy, you are still grossing $4800/acre/month, more than enough to cover the payment, and still make a profit. 3-4 acres is what I look for, big enough to be profitable, but not too big to saturate the market. There is a board https://www.workamper.com, where you can advertise for a custodian. I have a friend whose parents didn't quite have enough retirement put back, but they sold their house, bought a travel trailer, and worked at a RV park in Rockport. They checked people in, the wife worked in the little convenient store, he did small repairs, and made sure the lawn service kept the grass cut. They both worked about 10-12 hours per week, got a free spot, free electricity, water, and internet. The problem with mobile home parks, is the demographic. A lot of folks with disabilities and paycheck to paycheck living live there. You have to deal with squatters rights, and the mobile homes have to be secured in the flood plain according to FEMA rules. They are not mobile and will get flooded in a record turd floater. I wouldn't trust the owners to keep insurance, and since they are semi-permanent you would have to carry flood insurance on them. i have an uncle that lives on my paternal grandparents old place, it is in the 500 year flood plain. FEMA is requiring him to carry flood insurance on his old double wide, as it is underpinned, and the axles and tires have been removed. CHIEF
  4. I've been toying around with the idea of putting in RV Parks. You can put them on cheaper land in 500 year flood plains. I have found a 6 acre tract on the west side of Ft. Worth that has city sewer and water at the back of the property. Much like the O&G guys out in the Permian, a lot of the commercial construction guys buy an RV, and pocket their per diem. My aunt also has property on the loop in Cleburne, a huge part of it is in a flood plain. I have contacts for utilities, concrete, and paving. Put a laundromat in one corner to build a slush fund. My banker would loan me 100% on a purchase and a construction loan, but I think I'm going to see about using family and other investors. CHIEF
  5. I tend to think that those majors are already dominated by the privileged class. 30 years ago, those degrees were rather "cheap" to get. You could get out of college with little or no debt, and have a career that just required a degree, and you got to study something of interest. Now, with so many people going to college, there aren't as many of those type of jobs available. You need to get a degree that is specialized, and can put food on the table, or have a high GPA in those studies to get into post graduate schools. CHIEF
  6. Would be a good time to blow the Kerch bridge. Make that fucker try to get out by boat or plane rather than an armored train. CHIEF
  7. I dated a girl from Holy Cross, IA one summer. She came to Texas to spend the summer with her aunt, in Clifton. She had the most spectacular tits of any woman I have ever been with. Pre-IPhone years, so, unfortunately, I have no pictures but wish I did. Thats my only Iowa story. CHIEF
  8. Can’t wait to see her on Meet an Inmate thread. CHIEF
  9. I wear these, I have three pair (two gray, one black) because I simply refuse to bend over and tie my shoes anymore. Other than tying my dress shoes up for funerals, I haven't tied shoes in probably 3-4 years: CHIEF
  10. Judging perps who eat peeps. At 14, I would have eaten a peep out of that perp. CHIEF
  11. This. Young adults think they have to live a "cultured", affluent, young urban lifestyle. There are $100k+ jobs at Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant, but you are gonna live in Glen Rose, or Granbury. But $100k in this area is like $60k in Austin, or Dallas. CHIEF
  12. Wrong music, should have been set to this: CHIEF
  13. Round one of sanctions. We ought to threaten it just for them “ saber rattling. “ CHIEF
  14. My Dad's number was $2000/acre to break even. Maybe $5000/acre for sprigged coastal. If you own the land outright, there is money to be made. We would buy cow/calf pairs with the cow already bred back. By the time you sold the second calf, you pretty much had your cow note paid off. If cattle prices were poor, it sometime took the third calf. You have to go way out in the fucking boonies now to find $2k/acre land, and that land can probably only support a cow per 30 acres or so. At our lease, in Benjamin, you can buy farmland at $1k/acre, but it only gets 10 inches of rain per year. The ranch we are on probably runs 60 acres per head. CHIEF
  15. 95 years old. Ol' Red made it to the end of the roll of toilet paper of life. He should have no complaints. CHIEF
  16. Not a new car, but this thread is filled with folks that might be interested. I have a buddy on my lease, that lives in Salado. He bought a new 911 Cab, so he is getting rid of his 2006 911 Cabriolet to make room in the garage: It has 44k miles. He is asking $53,500. Always garaged, obviously not his daily driver. CHIEF
  17. I had a Great-Great Uncle that went pronghorn hunting back in the 1950's. The rancher was his guide, and simply hung his coat on a fencepost next to a water trough. Pronghorns are extremely curious, and after a while the whole herd had to come see what it was that was hanging on the fencepost. He picked out the biggest buck and shot him. CHIEF
  18. We have several pilots, that live here, some are based out of DFW, Love, and Houston. They fly their planes to work, land at a smaller regional airport, and Uber to the international airports close by. CHIEF
  19. We have them in King County, but they are sparsely populated as there are no large wheat fields within 7-8 miles of our pasture. When we hunted at Aspermont, they were as thick as mosquitos. You would see 75 a day, mainly in the wheat fields.In the winters, that's where they concentrate as it is the only place to get grass with nutrients. If we see any in King County, it is big individuals, or small sounders that show up to the feeder. CHIEF
  20. See that feed pen? I built it with me own two hands, but do they call me CHIEF, the pen builder? No. But you fuck one post driver… If you are in dirt with minimal rocks, it will drive a 6 ft. T-post over two and a half feet deep in about 10 seconds. CHIEF
  21. I bought one of these last year. We move feeders and pens so much, works like a charm. I think I may have brought it up earlier in this thread, or the one from last year. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B073DBLL29/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 CHIEF
  22. I just listed a private home, built in 2017, by a retired AA pilot with a 40x40 hanger in our subdivision. These do not come up for sale very often. Concrete taxiways behind each house. Two golf courses. DM me if this has always been your dream. Had a guy fly in to look, but he had two bigger planes, one on turf tires, but there isn't a grass strip at this location, so he passed. Here is the info on the strip: https://www.airnav.com/airport/66TE CHIEF
  23. We have three state parks in my area, Cleburne State Park, Meridian State Park, and Dinosaur Valley State Park. Dinosaur Valley is the only one that gets steady traffic. The CCC built them all in the 1930's. My grandfather told me when they were first built, during Prohibition, that's where you went every Saturday night for dancing, and to buy moonshine. There would be hundreds of folks there. After Prohibition was repealed, the state parks just dried up. CHIEF
  24. Our State Parks are woefully underfunded. A decade or so ago, I read some article on their funding. There was a crazy quote that caught my eye. It said that at current funding, state parks could replace their work trucks every 700 years. Trucks are a lot more expensive now. CHIEF
  25. Well, monkey pox never really took off, so maybe we have a puncher’s chance. CHIEF
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