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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by mdmost

  1. Aberg isn't catching up with shots like that
  2. Scottie is lifting off
  3. If Darwin doesn't fit well into the new manager's tactics, he needs to be sold. I'd imagine if you looked back at most of the moments we could've converted a draw into a win or like today a loss into a draw, Darwin's fingerprints were all over it. They all have an issue with finishing but he's the most wasteful of the bunch for what he cost the club.
  4. Well at least our new manager should have Champions League. Let the great Liverpool sell off begin. Get as much as you can for Diaz and Mo.
  5. Our inability to finish is what is costing us a chance at the title. Don't blame officiating when we can't hit point blank shots and we look like was have no clue how to get in a position to score.
  6. There will be so much these guys can point to when they're watching City lift the cup. I feel like the moment Jurgen announced his retirement, it all started to go downhill. It didn't seem to have the rallying effect I thought it would.
  7. Of fucking course. Can't even get a breakaway.
  8. Have to get Jota in just to provide something. But none of that matters if we can't defend which seems to sadly be the case.
  9. Stellar free kick, gentlemen. That's really going to get it done.
  10. Story of the latter part of this season. Point blank shot and we get nothing
  11. That's a miracle it didn't fully cross the line.
  12. I'd really like to know what's happened to our defense. Can't blame Gomez today.
  13. Finally caught up both seasons and finished the 2nd tonight. Love this show. I'm not sure how they would go beyond this season but I would enjoy it. The storytelling, sets, the location of Tokyo is so very Michael Mann driven. It felt a bit like a Japanese version of Heat. Sato, the reluctant oyabun. Samantha, in over her head. The rampant corruption felt like something out of the Wire. I hope HBO sees the value in these kind of shows. I heard this come on the other day but skipped over it since I hadn't finished the show. Fresh Air on NPR had a 38 minute interview with the real Jake Adelstein. It was from 2009 when his memoir came out. I may pick that up as a future read. https://www.npr.org/2024/03/22/1239879553/an-american-reporter-offers-a-first-hand-account-of-japans-toughest-crime-bosses
  14. Leaderboard being 7,6,5,4,3,2 is kinda fun.
  15. Colin and Scottie final pairing will be great. They should really push each other. Though I guess Homa still has a good chance to push one of them out.
  16. Bryson slipping further down the leaderboard.
  17. Nice chip for Colin.
  18. Scottie's putter giveth and it taketh away
  19. Bryson went for a drink
  20. Hojgaard keeps finding the water.
  21. Bryson finding no joy with his putter. He should've had a birdie on 13.
  22. I'mmeansaywhatyouwillaboutBrysonDeChambeau but there's like 60 people around him.
  23. How do you say "shit" in Scandinavian?
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