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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by mdmost

  1. Well let's just hope Israel can get better at identifying foreign aid workers and hopefully not blow our troops away as they're building the pier to help provide relief efforts.
  2. There's no way either comes back or is invited back. Sirois burned his bridge on the Twitch stream with Gordon. Danny just lampooned Cat in a song. Their best bet is to try their hand at podcasting or go work for Cash.
  3. Yes, Bibi has mentioned that's what he wants Israel to control.
  4. And the starvation? Fuck em, right? They get what they deserve because their parents voted for Hamas. Like with many things your shitty generation spits out now, this is the best response.
  5. You continually fly into this thread with hot takes, all the while not understanding one bit what the protest at UT, which you decry for being full of entitled babies, was all about. And it might shock you that the charity you donated to had aid workers killed by Israel bombs. That's part of why people are protesting the actions of Israel. The indiscriminate killing and starvation of civilians in the quest to destroy Hamas. You express sympathy for people in harm's way but your posts suggest otherwise. The protestors want UT to divest from companies that fund, produce, or profit off the Israeli war effort. And yes, removing money is how we can force Israel to do something. We are their f'ing sugar daddy.
  6. I guess Rhyner doesn't get to walk down the long hallway again?
  7. No, my issue is making a joke about people currently being killed and/or starving but if that's how Grandpa Facebook wants to roll he's welcome to post it and get pushback. I've generally supported Israel up till they've moved well past an acceptable campaign against Hamas.
  8. Yes, all those dead kids in Gaza are really playing the victim, you old cunt.
  9. And I was just going to start listening to the Downbeat instead of the Musers....I'm sure those boys will land on their feet. Maybe try their hand at podcasting like a certain other former Ticket show.
  10. mdmost

    2024 NFL DRAFT

    And we haven't had more than 1 drafted in the first round since 2007. That franchise is ass, my dude.
  11. mdmost

    2024 NFL DRAFT

    Damn straight. Who gives a shit if he's not a first rounder. Carolina would be a death sentence.
  12. mdmost

    2024 NFL DRAFT

    Well damn. I guess AD gets taken first tomorrow to Buffalo.
  13. Well, when it fails again, which it will, we can enjoy that.
  14. mdmost

    2024 NFL DRAFT

    Man, Mahomes wanted this from the day he saw Worthy blow out the 40 time.
  15. mdmost

    2024 NFL DRAFT

    Taylor Swift is really going to like this
  16. mdmost

    2024 NFL DRAFT

    I guess KC is moving up ahead of Baltimore and SF to take the WR they want
  17. mdmost

    2024 NFL DRAFT

    Come on Chiefs, pick one of our guys.
  18. mdmost

    2024 NFL DRAFT

    Hoping AD to the Bills and X to the Chiefs.
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