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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by mdmost

  1. FUCK Trading Bradley for Gomez is a shit situation
  2. Szobo needs to stop being afraid to shoot.
  3. The most unclutch performance of the season
  4. Man, Nunez has to come off soon. He's a net negative.
  5. Cross promotion for the Paris Olympics on...NBC
  6. Man U is so sloppy but we won't take advantage.
  7. Kinda wish Bradley had tried his luck there.
  8. We got bad Darwin today. Everybody, calm the fuck down and pick better shots
  9. Fernandez is such a pussy. Perfect Man U player.
  10. Not sure what you were doing there, Darwn.
  11. That could've been disastrous.
  12. Well that's a rare screw up by Corey.
  13. Well this will be quite nice then. He wrote the Prison arc which included the episode with Luthen's monologue.
  14. We need a good Wow photo for him since that's his stock answer to red pill red meat.
  15. You're welcome to call him Daddy.
  16. Might be the only thing you'll be loving about tonight's game.
  17. El Bombi loves playing the Astros
  18. Nice hustle! Langford has some wheels.
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