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Everything posted by Chopper

  1. Cory Doctorow, Creator of the term "ENSHITTIFICATION," has written again. Financial Times.
  2. This is where you veered off the road. The point of the articles was the retailers' data is unreliable. Also the retailers data was not the news source but rather the subject of discussion and derision. To summarize your absolutely brilliant insight: "Listen to the politicians! They're never wrong!!"
  3. Got it. You're strongly on the "if retailers say it's a problem then it's a problem" necessitating strong, armed police response bandwagon.
  4. A claim made by the retailers association which, by the way, was complete bullshit. 11/29/2023 "The various sources of crime data — from government agencies and private groups — tell a consistent story. Retail theft has not spiked nationwide in the past several years. If anything, it appears less common in most of the country than it was before the pandemic." "in its own 2022 report, the retail federation itself attributed only 37% of all shrink to shoplifting — not half." But the tv news media ran with it (they're heavily enshittified).
  5. Also assuming he upholds his word, he said nothing about paying the DEFENDANT'S attorney fees. Which, because her lawsuit is total b.s. and an attempt to intimidate and harass, I believe she has a good shot at ultimately becoming responsible for paying under CA's anti-SLAPP law.
  6. With 1/3 ownership each for disney, fox and wbd it'll be interesting to see how the inventory for the new service is created and proportioned. Also espn is going to avoid competing with their own forthcoming "premium service" so this may end up being a bit of a fizzle for college football viewing purposes. I'm skeptical this will be more desirable than a 4-month yttv subscription or similar for cfb.
  7. Here's the lawsuit she filed https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.cacd.913921/gov.uscourts.cacd.913921.1.0.pdf It's basically a combo of conclusory statements (stating something as fact but having no evidence) and whining about people being mean to her on twitter. Even if you don't read it, skim to about page 20 where her lawyers inserted page after page of a bunch of random tweets and a narration. Very bizarre.
  8. Well holy shit. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/business/digital/disney-warner-bros-discovery-fox-launch-sports-streaming-service-1235817744/ nb: "A source says that the new venture, while a major step forward, is not expected to impact ESPN’s plans to offer a direct-to-consumer “flagship” ESPN streaming service, but is meant to complement it. In some ways, the new venture is closer to something like a “skinny bundle” of streaming networks, one that is focused exclusively on channels with live sports, rather than entertainment."
  9. A couple of updates: Speaking of reenergized Russian disinfo, congrats if you had "Putin flies Tucker Carlson to Moscow for sex stuff" on your Bingo Card. CNBC reports: "Showy video" below:
  10. Congressional hearing today about Boeing. Pre-hearing WSJ article salient excerpts. The article includes a photo from Ethiopia just for the memories.
  11. I know fuckall about Africa but - according to this Bloomberg article from 6 days ago (free link), the Kremlin is recruiting fighters to replace the Wagner forces in Africa. They hope to have recruited enough men by summer 2024. - the article implies that Russia's Wagner African forces have dwindled in the meantime - this CNN article from September mentions that Sudan's gold has been extremely beneficial to Russia in avoiding harsh impacts from Western sanctions. - It also quotes Ukraine's Foreign Minister: “Russia is trying very hard to keep countries in its orbit through coercion, bribery and fear… Russia has two tools for its work in Africa, the most powerful ones are propaganda and Wagner,” Kuleba said in a recent interview with Agence France-Presse. “Our strategy is not to replace Russia but to free Africa from Russia’s grip,” he added. - in the reddit thread attached to the interrogation video someone wrote that the video has the wrong translation and that the Russian says he came from the Central African Republic. In fact the Kyiv Post article from which this video was sourced backs this up - it has a transcript that reads CAR. - From the same article: "Kyiv Post sources inside the special services of Ukraine, said: 'The work on the destruction of Russian mercenaries and their local terrorist partners in Sudan is likely by Ukrainian special forces…Work we have planned [in Sudan] is being performed.'" Also from the Kyiv Post article:
  12. Maybe a small investment for the possibility of inflicting huge damage given how much $$$ Wagner extracts from there? I'd think Wagner's defenses are at a low point too. Just a wag.
  13. Graham Parker's cover of the Jackson 5's "I Want You Back" is brilliant.
  14. I Fought the Law was made popular by Bobby Fuller. His was a cover of the original by a Brit band called The Crickets but The Clash's version is preeminent.
  15. Cake's cover of a Gloria Gaynor hit. The quirkiness, raw sound and guitar licks make it better than the original imo.
  16. Travis' cover of a Britney song is far better than the original. Could be boring but the energy and soul they inject...
  17. What are you doing in this thread now, btw? Or what do you think you're doing? I just double-checked and without a twitter account I'm unable to see someone's tweets in their timeline in descending chronological order. Also, without an account, I'm unable to see replies to any tweet, and further I'm unable to see tweet threads, as well. (And therefore aside from it being a site for white supremacists, it's senseless to click on a link to twitter, at least imo.) It wasn't an implication - it was a mere statement of fact. You felt I aimed it at you which is rather telling. My mention of romavicta was because @bolverkhad just mentioned a desire to avoid CR'ing up the thread as the reason for his thread policing. It was a description of reality and a nod to a small irony. Fact and reality...I'm sensing a couple issues you seem to have problems with.
  18. Unregistered twitter users aren't allowed that sort of access so you'll have to find someone who enjoys posting and/or browsing a white supremacist website to engage in that sort of fuckery. I'm wholly reliant upon my belief and understanding that @viper is a credible and reliable poster on this here website. If he's not, or if it's not news and/or not accurate then obviously the tale turns and y'all should turn your fire, so to speak, in another direction. As for "policing," you've got it entirely assbackwards.
  19. Got it. My apologies. I missed seeing your earlier post due to the escaped mental patient posting just after it.
  20. But discussing tit-for-tat was you, wasn't it? You could've left it alone. Or perhaps I misunderstand and you're arguing that the release of a video capturing a kid trying to lure a soldier into being unprepared and then stab the soldier, only to wind up getting gunned down, isn't news?
  21. That's fine. I very rarely click on that forum. However, that doesn't negate that you're dismissing something that's clearly news by describing something you deem to be off-topic for this thread. And here comes romavicta who has apparently escaped CR.
  22. Definition of whataboutism. Also a wag that you didn't watch any of the Oct 7 videos.
  23. Maybe at a very minimum take a moment to look up the different cable and streaming channels Disney owns outright, or a controlling interest in. It goes well beyond ESPN and Disney. Jesus, y'all sound like what I imagine a bunch of aggy corps twats sound like just before they get to the foreplay. This has been a truly miserable and clusterfuck of a thread. Shame we'll never know but I doubt even the fresh titties could've saved it.
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