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Everything posted by Homesickhorn

  1. Correct. One of them was cleaning his shotgun and accidentally blew his boyfriend's head off. Overcome with grief, and not proficient with an over-under .12 gauge, he threw himself off of a pier into 4ft of water, and drowned because he couldn't swim.
  2. Holy shit this. This dude might beat out the USC Cheerleader if done properly.
  3. Well after watching their victory parade, it's probably just "tank". And I think their city committee named it Little Sebastian.
  4. Little Homesick and I were up in Tin Top at my buddy's cabin that sits right on the Brazos. We were there to dispatch pigs, but during the day, we decided to cast out down by his boat hangar. Little Homesick headed back over to the tackle box to bait his hook, and said, "Whoah". I turned to look and there was about a 4ft water snek right there on the sidewalk. He took a look at both of us and then launched straight off of the bank (sidewalk) into the river, belly flopping, and then disappearing. We decided to walk along the bank and see if we could find him, and find him we did. Right after he'd ingested Thanksgiving Day feast. Clincher was, Little Homesick looked at me and said, "Dad, due to the fact that his dive off of the ledge was an easy 8.5-9, we should call him Sneg Louganis". Good kid, Little Homesick.
  5. I’ve had a beverage or two. Appreciate your response though. Back to baseball and failing football hopes for me.
  6. Welcome aboard mother fucker. I fucking hate basketball. That said, the hiring of Keith Carter as our AD was kind of cool because he and I went to school at Ole Miss together. He played basketball (well) and this probably the last time we were even remotely relevant in the sport. When I played baseball there, we were lower/mid in the conference if we were lucky. I’ve always liked Keith, and always hated basketball. His plea to the powers that be when he hired Kiffin was two-fold; If he fucks up, so did I, so y’all can fire us in the same room. His talk with Kiffin was almost verbatim; Here’s your last shot, and if you fuck up, I’m going down with the ship. I don’t care enough about the sport to really have a dog in the fight other than to say, “If Ole Miss beats Texas in basketball next year, I’ll probably hear about it after the fact. But I’ll laugh if it happens. Because I’m a toothless, uneducated wife beater who doesn’t know fuck from shit. And I believe everything the internet tells me.”
  7. We’re not lucky enough for that to happen. Because if it did, there’d be less of them. Ain’t happening man.
  8. I shouldn’t have worn my sneakers. Good first trip out there this year (for me anyway). The fact that we saw what we saw is promising. Some rainfall in the near future would be awesome.
  9. Yeah, you do. That beauty that I caught two years ago was badass. Ya shoulda come out maaan.
  10. Did anyone see whether or not the pilot punched out of the SU-34? I couldn't see from the videos, but didn't read the comments.
  11. I was listening to the wrong fucking link because I'm stupid. See ya!!!!
  12. I’ve been following this pretty hard for the last three weeks or so since I guess I “caught up” to it. Working from home and watching (listening) CourtTV today. I’ve got to give props to Nicole for keeping this thread pretty damn updated. Now, I’m no attorney, but is the defense just tripping over their dicks right now, or are they just trying for a mistrial. This guy (Griffin) sounds like the dude at the party that was asked a simple question by someone trying to be friendly because he’s the awkward dude, and he goes into a diatribe that nobody wants to hear because it doesn’t matter/make any sense? The look on the defendant’s face is the basis for my question. I’ll hang up and listen.
  13. And if each one of them donated a dollar, they could compete with an elementary school in Illinois.
  14. I've been lax on this thread and just now catching up. I can't stop laughing. Arguably one of the best comments is, "Like a pile of jello in a person suit".
  15. (Co-Commentator’s response as Ricky de-cleated him)verbatim: “Dat my friends, is Ricky Williams! And if you don’t know who he is you’d better ask somebody”!!!! Watched that game whilst sitting upright in my bedroom my senior year in high school, having just had all four of my fucking wisdom teeth removed.
  16. Just now responding to this thread solely based on the title. Haven't gone through it yet, but I figured I'd drop this one (NSIAP). And I forgot how to paste YouTube vids.
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