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Everything posted by Homesickhorn

  1. Lane Kiffin- “Maybe Jimbo has a Joker costume for me”.
  2. One of the ags I hold dear did exactly that, back when they were still in college. I wish he’d call him on it because I know he reads Lucci’s site, but never posts.
  3. Too many gun lovers (shamefully raises hand) bought them.
  4. Yeah, our dads have to know each other. I was a freshman in high school when the Mogadishu operation went down, and my father was gone for quite awhile. I got to meet Randy Shugart at my father's 50th birthday. Heroes, the absolute lot of them.
  5. I see Matt Foley every time I see a picture of Listeater. I always see either Francis, from Pee Wee's Big Adventure, or Chubby, from Teen Wolf (Same actor).
  6. UGA smoked Oregon’s joint in one hit.
  7. Sounds like someone who's never had to run a race with a Siracha soaked Oreo in his ass cheeks, dropped it, ate it, and then polished off the night giving a lap dance to a varsity cheerleader.
  8. Like I said, I completely agree. Hopefully I didn’t lead anyone to think otherwise. My post was more a jab at the idiots in our own country getting shitty about the money we’re spending sending weaponry to Ukraine.
  9. So much this. The problem is that this is way of thinking is far too outside the box/looking to the future than the vast majority of the idiots in this country are willing to even attempt. Big words and such.
  10. The comments in that feed are absolute fucking gold.
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