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Everything posted by Homesickhorn

  1. I believe one of them fellers was from Arkansas.
  2. Nah. He’s just still bitter about the time he got chippy with James Caan at the Dallas Country Club and ended up in arm lock.
  3. Hold or not, Oregon’s corner had contain at the line of scrimmage, and got so shaken out of his jockstrap, he didn’t even touch the running back.
  4. Not to derail, but our fathers might have been at Benning at the same time. He was at both Benning and Bragg when I was a little guy. Retired Army Special Forces Colonel. Summer after my freshman year in college, I volunteered, along with a couple of ex high school teammates that were also playing college ball, to help the local NAIA college in Kerrville put on a two day baseball camp. I went out that Friday night with aforementioned teammates and caught up. Come 2am, it was time for me to head back to my folk’s place. A buddy dropped me off at my folks house, and I was fifty times more than shitfaced. I was having trouble walking up the stairs to my bedroom when the stairway light came on. My dad began verbally tearing me a new asshole, while mom bit her tongue. I continued to make my way up the stairs to my room, as my dad kept grabbing my shirt to turn me around so I could look him in the eyes while he spoke to me. I was about three quarters of the way UP the stairs, when he tried one last time to turn me around. Up until that point in my life, I’d never missed a left cross if I threw it. Being left handed, it was my go to if I couldn’t talk my way out of whatever situation I’d gotten myself into. That forth and final tug on my shirt sleeve, caused me to make the “wise” decision to swing at my dad. I missed, well. The next thing I know, I’m up against the wall (DOWN AND AROUND THE CORNER OF THE STAIRCASE THAT I WAS 3/4 OF THE WAY UP). I’m against the wall, with my feet about four inches off of the ground, and my father, who’s two inches shorter than me, is holding me up by my throat. My mother is losing her mind, and he’s staring through my soul. He said, “Never make me do this again. Apologize to your mother, get upstairs, and get some rest”. People can say whatever they want about whipping their dad’s ass as a right of passage, but I think with some fathers and sons, it’s just law of nature. At least I hope so, because my father is 77 years old, and you couldn’t pay me to try that shit again.
  5. From the article; South American Boom Snake?
  6. Rules Goddamnit. We has them. Not that I can't look her up, but a pic would be preferred. For the cause.
  7. I could give a fuck. I just woke up at 5am and couldn't go back to sleep.
  8. I'll address your questions as if you're asking me instead of him. And I'll address them in the order you asked them. 1) Dunno, dunno, and dunno. (You guessed no) 2) No.
  9. Granted, I was relatively hammered when I posted that last night, I really didn’t mean to post in triplicate.
  10. Bought it two years ago and moved it into a buddy’s house where it stayed literally unused and covered. His fiancé just moved in, and now we’re under the gun to get it gone. I’m asking $2,500.
  11. Found Little Homesick’s old Ole Miss jersey yesterday morning and decided to make the necessary alterations prior to the Ole Miss/LSU game. Bentley wasn’t amused.
  12. I saw him drop two, in quick succession.
  13. Damn SB, I was rooting for y’all. Your tight end needs to go back and take a refresher course, Catching Footballs that hit me in the Hands and Numbers 101.
  14. Ugly game, but I’ll be honest, it’s never THAT ugly to beat the swamp kitties.
  15. It's not you. And I apologize for the rant, but it's been building for awhile.
  16. I was not an investor, but I was incredibly involved. I placed my fucking shingle out for him, and acquired the space without proving a pot to piss in. I DID THAT. They took MY word, that he'd do what they inserted into the lease. He broke the lease, violated the fucking contract, threw away the keys to the safe that they gave him, and fucking blamed it on COVID. If anyone would like to fucking talk to me about it, be my fucking guest. My fucking name was on that shingle, not his. I'm still trying to get my foot back into the door of a career I'd proven myself in. Covid didn't help, but the best deal I'd ever brokered ended up fucking me. Because that client was too proud to just obey the rules.
  17. Say when. I remember seeing that one that looked like a freaking tree had fallen down in the middle of the dirt road. I need to see if I still have that video.
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