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Everything posted by Homesickhorn

  1. fded671c-99ba-4eb6-a4ff-c3301c186994.mp4
  2. Wanna be your own boss.....get your broker's license.
  3. As soon as I saw his picture I thought the same thing. I mean, there’s obviously a difference between the Haka, and the hacka. Didn’t think spelling would come into play for this cat, but it seems that it cost three people their lives. Really cuts deep, like to the core. Edited to apologize for being so morbid. But it was more of a word find type deal.
  4. Getting little man on his bike for school. FIGHT!!! (Whispers Hotty Toddy)
  5. This was my knee jerk reaction strictly due to the number of people, and the promises made to them. That said, Inka has been absolutely crushing it with his answers, and it would behoove most to put down whatever they’re drinking and re-read all of them.
  6. Heroes dip snuff on planes, and when asked to get rid of their spitter, bitch about it on a message board.
  7. I’m trying to figure this one out. Did the dudes who whooped his ass (soundly, mind you), help him up the stairs to the tunnel. True gentlemen if so.
  8. Is it wrong that I'm rooting for him to be awarded a posthumous Nobel Peace Prize after collapsing dead from an 8-ball hemorrhage in the 71st hour with change to spare?
  9. This. I’m pretty sure as soon as one of the lead dipshits lets out an “onward gents”, and immediately gets brained into pink mist from a Barrett .50, they’ll lose a whole lot of their go-get’em attitude.
  10. Gulf Coast bought it, and it’s well beyond range (door to door) from the church. I am excite because I live right across the street.
  11. I’m watching my son and his friend swim at the pool. But the Texas Independence portion of this thread just made my fucking day.
  12. Can anyone recommend a good spot in Portland/Corpus Christy? I came down for an event that got canceled, so I’m going to utilize my time to use some of my new gear. Don’t have a boat, but will travel to wherever they’re biting.
  13. Good friend of mine, Texas grad, and huge Trumpkin to the point that I've had to pull the reins back on hanging out with him due to the fact that all I'm subjected to are videos and bullshit right wing fucktardedness. His stance on the Babbitt situation was, "They lifted her up and into the window, and then changed their clothes".
  14. Is that a Texas Black Rat Snek?
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