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Everything posted by Homesickhorn

  1. I’ll quote this comment because it’s absolutely true. The posted pic during the incident by the car has him (and his friend, the custom AK-47) in a low-ready position. Absolutely, positively, 100% different than the position in the photo Gourmand posted. He (probably) walked towards the vehicle in the position in Gourmand’s pic, and when he was able to part the crowd because he was the dude with the firearm, switched to low ready. Again, I will say that I’m not cool with him dying. But a soldier, behind the windshield of a vehicle already being pounded on, sees people moving aside, for a man walking towards him traversing his weapon into low-ready, I’m afraid that all bets are off for AK guy. It’s extremely hard to explain, but there are many on here that know what I’m talking about. Still shots mean jack shit in this case. Put a go pro on both of their heads and watch it in real time. Then ask yourself what you would’ve done.
  2. Looks like a checkered garter. Good snek.
  3. Foster shouldn’t have been walking around with a tactically modified AK-47 in Downtown Austin. I’m not saying he deserved to die, but anyone walking around in a potentially hostile environment, at night, with a loaded tactical long rifle is a fucking idiot.
  4. Bull snek. Had one for almost 4 years. Typically pretty ornery, but the one I found was wounded, probably about a year old. He ended up growing to almost 6ft long, and was one of the most docile sneks I’d ever been around. RIP Billy Jack.
  5. Bonus points for the (well fed) gecko hanging out on the underside of the water meter cover.
  6. Growing up in Kerrville, summertime camp counselors from the cities were, and always will be, my favorite pastime.
  7. That movie was extremely hard for me (and harder for my ex-wife) to watch because I'd recognize places and call them out. That movie was fantastic.
  8. I did the original route (Starting in Southern France through northern Spain) in 2003. It took me 36 days. Would've taken me less time, but I was 23yrs old, and was really enjoying the (cough) scenery at the time. So I'd stay in a town for a few days to "let me feet heal up". Arguably the greatest thing I'd ever done for myself, and by myself up until that point of my life. And I'm going to do it again.
  9. It's a shame those two guys parted ways.
  10. Oh, they absolutely gang up on aggy in that thread. I post over there under my Ole Miss avatar. If you read the entire thread, take a guess at who I am.
  11. Well…fuck the Abilene Zoo.
  12. First and last pics are probably one of my favorite venomous sneks. Bushmasters. Edit* I hope I’m right. Quick glances.
  13. It’s easy, just ask him if he’s got a minute to talk about Jesus Christ.
  14. Man, that is a pretty snek.
  15. Well, according to his name, he certainly CAN cock.
  16. Looks like a yellow belly nerodia (water snek). Can be bitey, but they’re harmless.
  17. This^^^...fucking this. If I'm buying a hat from here on out, I'm buying it from a cool outfit who's set up a booth, or I'll just get a Resistol.
  18. Yeah dude, saw four of them the other night when I had the crew of kids in the car. Not particularly what I was looking for, but I got (the two that weren’t already run over) out of the road. Here’s one that I was able to grab and throw into the grass. I don’t want to show pics of the ones that were run over. I’ve got a video of the other one that I moved into the tall stuff. That said, the prairie king is still with me. That dude is as cool as a cucumber. He’s gonna be a tough one to turn loose. I marked where I found him though.
  19. Someone please post that picture of the six guys of African American decent standing over the blonde girl sitting innocently on the couch. I feel like that’s what Bevo is trying to explain in layman’s terms, how snakes mate to those who haven’t read the books.
  20. Crazy question, but did you happen to know a football player name Ray Finkle while at Stetson? I believe he was a place kicker (soccer style).
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