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Everything posted by Homesickhorn

  1. Did you research the Twitter link you posted? If so, I’ll shut up, but if you didn’t, then the amount of shit YOU just spewed is ridiculous. I get that you’re a huge fan of the underdog here, as I believe we all are, but fucks sake.
  2. Yes. And Inka, I think you and I might’ve discussed this, but our dads probably know each other.
  3. Yes. And Inka, I think you and I might’ve discussed this, but our dads probably know each other.
  4. But why a spoon, cousin? Because it’s dull you twit! It will hurt more!
  5. I got her in that little transport container, she curled up, got comfortable, but she ended up checking out. I stopped twice to check on her and she was still breathing. Unfortunately, she didn't make it back to the house. Don't know why, but I'm still pretty upset about it. Gorgeous snake. Poor girl.
  6. First time I’d seen it with sound. That scared little child crying. Fuck me dead.
  7. I was hit by a 94mph fastball once, so this hits close to home.
  8. 5:15 mark was when I realized what I should’ve known all along, her armpit hair.
  9. Before we go any further, we need to address the punishment for not getting rid of your spitter when having your standard mid-flight dip of Copenhagen.
  10. If he was a Full-Time pizza delivery man, would that make it a harder pill for him and his to swallow?
  11. If memory serves me correctly, the paratroopers didn't even touch down (In Colorado, mind you), until the history class taught by the chubby black teacher was well underway. There's still time gents.
  12. Christ. Once during the war I visited a prostitute, and my life’s been a living hell ever since.
  13. There’s so much of this post that is right, and absolutely nothing about it that’s wrong. I hadn’t given her a second glimpse until this post, and I can’t begin to explain to the people around me why I’m having trouble breathing.
  14. Or soon to be mentioned in the Covid FAFO thread, if he hasn’t been already.
  15. I might be a slow learner, but don’t discount the fact that aggy stupidity was apparent to even us as soon as they made their 100 Year decision. *Growing up a Longhorn fan filled with aggy and ou hatred probably hastened me screaming it from the rooftops when they joined. Trust me, they/we get it.
  16. $35, General Admission. Bought six months ago, selling them for $15 under face value.
  17. Homesickhorn


    Just like Eli, Drake puts that shit on everything.
  18. I believe one of them fellers was from Arkansas.
  19. Nah. He’s just still bitter about the time he got chippy with James Caan at the Dallas Country Club and ended up in arm lock.
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