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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by irishtexan

  1. This is what I was going to post. I very much prefer this version to the original, which is still pretty fucking awesome. They also recorded it like a year after the original came out, which is pretty ballsy.
  2. Didn’t get elephant, outfit, or goddamn lonely love last night. But he did close with Danko/Manuel which was fucking AWESOME.
  3. The only reason he's not annoying is because he's been in like 4 episodes and has maybe 10 minutes of screen time total. Kid actors are annoying because typically the show isn't about the kids. But because they're there, show runners feel the need to shoehorn them into story lines. It's one of the things I really, really liked about the BBC show Catastrophe. Kids were physically in the scenes but had no dialogue. The show wasn't about them and the didn't try to make it about the kids.
  4. Rupert wants to be the puppeteer for everyone in his orbit. By getting Nate to cheat on his girlfriend he removes a potential sphere of influence and someone who would potentially advise Nate against his shady bullshit. Plus, as I said above, he's Jade's dad..
  5. Rupert is either Jade's dad, or has already fucked her. Something's going on there. Great episode. No Keeley or Rebecca love life filler. Almost the entire episode on Ted and the team. I'll take it. Fuck Nate still.
  6. Why did she have enough time between the murder and being charged to write a children's book, get it published, and book a bunch of promotional appearances on television shows?
  7. So looking into that KVUE article, it looks like Austin Radio Network's Managing Partner Jason Nassour is a former Williamson County Attorney and is being charged with evidence tampering in the death of Javier Ambler in 2019. Some shady shit going on at The Horn HQ... https://www.kvue.com/article/news/local/austin-radio-network-shut-down/269-6303f289-7f96-404c-b316-467966ecd882 https://www.kvue.com/article/news/local/williamson-county/williamson-county-sheriff-robert-chody-jason-nassour-new-charge/269-37322f8d-7819-4cc8-a121-9ae68396adfe
  8. Well fuck me. Earlier today I found out the Grendal/PO1D died in March and now MAC is terminal. Two wildly different posters who brought a helluva lot of entertainment to the boards over the years. Bummer. Addiction's a bitch.
  9. It's funny how on Thursday you're trying to remind your wife that it's a marathon and not a sprint, but four days later you're in the exact same position she was in. And I mean that literally and not dismissively. It's funny and hard and a kick to the dick when you put all the work in and don't get the results you want. I remember last time I dieted busting my ass on like week three - running 5 miles a day three days a week and hitting the gym hard another two to three, eating all the right shit, watching my booze intake and my sugars, etc, and being pissed off I only lost half a pound over the previous week. Keep on keepin' on y'all!
  10. @texifornia doing the initial filter for Message Board Geniuses. All they have to do is come select the cream of the crop that he's already filtered.
  11. Oh, it does indeed signify slime. Just not from the nose.
  12. But ctj, have you considered that he really, really, REALLY like going to college at Texas? And that maybe the memories are worth more than football and his career aspirations?
  13. Necro bumping this thread because the Kink's Strangers was on the most recent Ted Lasso and right when it started I said to my wife "FUCK, this song is fucking perfect." And then I googled it today and saw it was covered by this band Wye Oak that I really like as part of a series the Onion's AV Club did a while back called undercover, where they pick 25 songs and touring bands come into their studio and cover one of the 25 songs until they're all done. That's an excellent series you might want to check out. But Wye Oak also has a perfect song that I've listened to about 10 times today already. Civilian. Their guitar player Jenn Wasner is pretty fucking badass. And I think she's pretty hot. Anyway, here are two perfect songs in my opinion: Here's the Wye Oak cover of Strangers. Linking primarily so interested people can go down the AV Club Undercover rabbit hole.
  14. So a few hours ago I received a text from a friend's wife. He got back from rehab about a month ago for the booze. His "recovery" has not gone well. He's relapsed four times and is now completely off the deep end. Been drinking morning, noon and night for four days straight as part of this particular relapse. According to wife, he's completely delusional. His arrogance and superiority complex is in full swing. He thinks he's better and smarter than everyone in his counseling and AA group. He's driving around drunk doing who knows what (that is a chief concern of hers). he won't listen to wife or immediate family (parents and siblings). Everyone's an asshole and he's the victim. He and his wife have two young kids. He's admitted he's an "addict" but his wife gets the sense that he thinks he can get his drinking under control. He's an artist by trade so he doesn't really have a "job" he can lose. In about an hour, assuming he comes home from the lunch he's at with a friend (not supposed to be drinking but probably will be drinking vodka in his car), his wife is going to tell him that he has to move out and he either commit to a 90-day recovery (previous 30-day stint obviously didn't take) or he's gotta find another place to be because he's creating a toxic environment for his wife and kids. I used to be on a bowling team with this guy. That's how I know him. We would also go see rock shows together occasionally. She's asked me and two of our former bowling teammates to be there either before to tell him that we love him and care about his successful recovery. Or to be there after to support her and deliver the same message. She even said "i'll say what I have to say in front of y'all." I think she should talk to him first and then we come in as support. She said she doesn't want this to feel like an intervention, but it sure as shit feels like one to me. I'm "pretty good" friends with this guy, but he's hardly in my inner circle. But I get the sense that he doesn't have a lot of friends and we might be his "best friends" in Austin. I actually haven't seen him since he got back from rehab a month ago. Texted when he got back and he said it was "a very good experience" and that's it. I thought I was giving him space to live a sober life and work on his recovery, but in hindsight I should have been more involved. But like I said, I didn't really see myself in his inner circle. Regardless, not sure that me having coffee with him every other week was going to prevent this. But who knows. One of the issues I foresee is I like to indulge in beers and bourbon myself. And he might try to pull the "who the hell are you to tell me I have a problem?!" shit. Any suggestions on how to be prepared for this meeting I have in 45 minutes?
  15. Kick ass man! Your commitment and persistence is inspiring.
  16. I thought Karolina's job was redundant with the harassed chick's jobs. Hugo's job was redundant with the olympian's. Hugo was on the kill list. Karolina was not. Maybe I'm wrong. That's just how I remember it.
  17. Assuming Mattson wasn't fabricating a bunch of bullshit about sending blood to this ex-girlfriend/head of comms, they would have two heads of comms because, as Shiv pointed out, he can't fire ol' blood babe.
  18. Holy shit.... Imagine admitting all of this. Wow.
  19. Isn't he in the middle of a competition to be QB1 at Ohio State with Kyle McCord? From the very limited research I've done it seems McCord has the edge. But Ryan Day has to at least maintain the appearance of an open competition if only to keep Brown from transferring this year. Admittedly I don't follow them too closely so McCord may be the presumptive starter. Perhaps one of our resident buckfucks can elaborate?
  20. What's up with Ty Simpson? former 5-star who had a chance to redshirt and learn. Just hasn't put it together? Figured they'd roll with him and let him take some freshman lumps. But does he just suck too? Weird for Saban to whiff on highly-rated QBs two years in a row.
  21. Maybe for the Star Wars nerds. But as a casual fan, it really wasn't an entertaining season. It was a slog - the "Bo Katan" season. And she's boring. And Moff Gideon was a clown of a bad guy. And not much happened to the two characters we care most about. IMO, it was exponentially the worst season of the series, on par with Bobba Fett. But that's just my opinion. Glad others liked it.
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