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Everything posted by Horn_Spanker

  1. I think I need a plumber to install a water heater. I did the last one, 18 years ago, but I'm now I'm 18 years older! (went out for Sunday lunch and when I get the check, the waitress gave my and my wife the senior discount without even asking us)
  2. Does anyone have a tankless water heater? If so, your thoughts?
  3. I've actually never made it to Round Top, I get stuck in Warrenton. And Warrenton is flea market.
  4. Has anyone seen Snow Dog over here? Got a hankering for some chili.
  5. I love bargaining with flea market sellers on their crap. Crap I don't need, but I love the game. Heading to Round Top next week (or just Warrenton).
  6. Mom turned 80, dad died years ago and I'm an only child. She's willing to sign anything to get her ducks in a row. A relative in real estate told us to get a REVOCABLE TRANSFER ON DEATH DEED. She has a will, but this sounds like it's more convenient than waiting on will stuff. She's also going to put me as co-owner on her bank accounts. And we might as well sign MEDICAL POWER OF ATTORNEY and STATUTORY DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY forms. Would these three documents be all that's needed for me to make important decisions and assume her stuff at death? And the big question is, is there any tax implications on me signing these documents now?
  7. Horn_Spanker


    I went straight from the procedure to a Mexican food restaurant and had the biggest burrito they had covered in jalapenos. Fuck their take it easy recommendations, I was hungry! I waited until I was 56, but the fears were unjustified. The IV into my hand was the only tiny bit of pain that day. Of course, the the night before was a shitfest.
  8. Horn_Spanker


    Had my first in June. Weird shitting green Gatorade. Reading the report was cool, evidently they cram the hose up you first and then view the camera as they pull it out. Report says only six minutes.
  9. I was expecting you to say, nice cock.
  10. Unplugged my fridge for 24 hours. Plugged it back in and the compressor doesn't seem to be kicking in? The fan is blowing but I don't get that low growl from the compressor start. I feel air blowing from underneath, but it feels room temperature, not warm as it would if the coils were dissipating heat. Any ideas instead of buying a new fridge?
  11. Why doesn't Sonic sell hamburgers anymore? Not going to order a cheeseburger and say hold the fucking cheese.
  12. Is the construction I see at the Northwest corner of I35 and Slaughter, the HEB that had a sign up for so long it rotted and fell over? If so, about god damn time!
  13. Your Honor, I didn't say she was insane, I said she was fucking Goofy.
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