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Everything posted by SuingToGetAMessageBoard?

  1. My Nazi comparison complaint: it implies that Nazism is the line. So long as we aren’t gassing people or taking their businesses or whatever, we aren’t the bad guys. How about equality or something like that being the line?
  2. Distraction is 9/10ths of the game with him, but I think this one is more direct. They were able to report on the conditions in the kiddie camps. He needs them to not be believed so he attacks them.
  3. i said this in the initial post and i think it is true even with all yall's arguing: Christianity doesn't seem to be predictive of Trump support/opposition for any group other than White Evangelicals, where it is SUPER predictive. So all arguments are dependent on whether that group is included.
  4. I agree that it is a dumb term. Someone decided to pull it out in 2015 and everyone decided it was the way to go. It is the kale of online thinkpieces. It's just lying regardless of the believability of the lie.
  5. yeah, but that wasn't in the edited evidence i showed you.
  6. "... or place of our national origin" so.... the US?
  7. i've mentioned the article on here a few times, but someone did some good analysis with his numbers and found that the standard deviation of his approval rating was the lowest all time, meaning no one ever changes their mind on him. And it is something like half of the standard deviation of the president with the 2nd smallest. The two facebook friends anecdote. The highest numbers in a long time. They could both be true. But they are meaningless in any larger scale because these changes we're talking about in either direction are microscopic.
  8. Let's not forget your honor that even the charging document does not accuse him of raping anyone between February 22, 2008 and March 2, 2008. So, you know, that's a pretty big chunk of time when you remember that was a leap year.
  9. Rule #1 of lawyerin': don't get yourself into a position of having to argue with the judge nuanced points about whether your client is an out of control rapist.
  10. Totally true. There is literally no substance on this board of any factual basis for hating Trump. It's just because everyone is so crazy! Orange man bad is as sophisticated of a thought as I have ever given to my conclusion I don't like him, I can tell you that.
  11. Wilford Brimley is the muscle right?
  12. Never extort more than the cost of a good hit man.
  13. Christian denominations are very non-uniform on this. Seems to me evangelical means Trump. For everyone else, your support for him depends on all the other individual demographic factors and religion ends up not being predictive.
  14. obviously workshopped quite a bit to come up with "not reflective of our values" as the euphemism for "super racist," so I deduct points for that, but he could have just stopped after the "we are proud" sentence. gets points for saying the president must disavow his comments and not even acknowledging the right wing talking about the message not being that racist because he said they should come back after they go. I give it a B.
  15. lulz at this one. rent-a-cop draws down on (black) actual cop because actual cop has a gun. https://www.theroot.com/watch-white-security-guard-pulls-gun-on-black-cop-in-f-1836356876
  16. pretty generous use of 'victim' terminology. could also go with 'dude hurling molotov cocktails'
  17. it's amazing they can be like this after spending years in the most diverse part of our world -- the locker room. i've said experience is the best way to fight racism, but evidently even that doesn't work very much
  18. Very surprising that someone with a name like Buck Burnette has retrograde beliefs.
  19. never knew that. just looked it up. the average Alabaman is over 4 years older than the average Texan. interesting.
  20. Watching Madagascar right now awaiting the implications of a sophisticated New Yorker “king” landing on an African island where 1000s of indistinguishable locals wearing primitive dress are mockable and helpless without advanced powers of the interloping colonials.
  21. jesus fuck. there's a thousand of these. after i posted i realized the date said 2015, so i thought i must have seen old news. nope, it's just tennessee loves to make i ❤️ u notes to forrest so often a mix up can happen.
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