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Everything posted by atomheartbevo

  2. Yeah, you have to be careful when they randomly show episodes [spioler] It would be jarring to learn out-of-context that Kirk is Spock's son. [/spoiler]
  3. It's also one helluva logistics flex to be not only supplying your own troops on the move, but bringing up food and water for Russian civilians who were completely abandoned by the Russian government. Seems like the Ukrainians are following the NATO logistics model.
  4. That's a lot of zero-g shenanigans. Plus there's a YouTube video for everything.
  5. Or if somebody filmed him doing his shit, and mentioned that he does this regardless of kids being around, and threw it up on social media, it might get entertaining. Sic the Karens on him.
  6. I thought I posted this, but I guess not, but anyways, it seems like more celebrities are actively campaigning for her, which feels like 2008 (I wasn't that in touch with 2008's race, but I remember celebrities seemingly crawling out of the woodwork to support Obama). In this case, it's Samwise, so he easily counters Kirk Cameron and Kevin Sorbo. Gomez John Astin and Patty Duke did okay with him.
  7. Like YGiFS said, it’s not the best atmosphere to begin with (one school’s fan got him nuts chowed down on by another school’s fan after the OU game) and mixing armed Okies and Texas fans and alcohol….
  8. ^^^^^^^ This is exactly what’s going to happen in Texas with the decent private schools - it’s just going to give them a lot more money. They aren’t interested in educating poor kids.
  9. No, we need to let him flee (he won't), because South America attracts a certain kind of white person who feels the need to leave their home country....kind of like a rat following a line. Meanwhile, speaking of white people (NSIAP)
  10. Kirk Cameron out there pushing MAGA/Qanon bullshit
  11. If it's like some of the other schemes with actual currency, what it is, is a clear plastic sleeve with stuff printed on it, and when you slide the $2 bill into it, it makes the bill look like it has something else on it. You can take the bill out of the sleeve at any time and use it legally. Although they sound like they are colorizing/printing on the bills, but that seems very dubious. More likely a fancy color sleeve. Like these: https://ncmint.com/u-s-coins-currency/
  12. You know if the Texas Legislature forces the issue, there'll be a shitload of open-carry idiots that scare a lot of families away and screwing with the state fair in general.
  13. Hot Wheels, Dannie Goeb, and Kenny Wayne Paxton will never allow it. Ever.
  14. Paw Patrol and Spongebob Squarepants for my kids. Star Trek for me.
  15. And that's fair. The name changes should have tipped us all off though. And how much he was willing to pivot from a downright loathing of Trump to being his top sycophant. And just his general weirdness - he should be living his best life as a Harvard-educated Senator, but instead he's become the very thing he claimed to be against in the past.
  16. And those billionaires are doing it either to A) steer public education money into their private companies (aka "fuck you pay me") or B) for religious reasons. Both of those things are extremely bad.
  17. Trump's lawsuits and aircraft and other expenses ain't going to pay for themselves if the RNC is dumping money into all those down-ballot races/offices. I loved that if down-ballot Republicans wanted to use Trump's likeness in their campaign mailers or on their websites, they had to pay him a portion of their fundraising. That is exactly what a conman running for office would do - get his finger in everybody's pie.
  18. Houston Chronicle columnist has a good little overview of what he's been doing in Texas. I expect Musk to ramp things up, given the FAA and EPA stuff over SpaceX and Texas's waters.
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