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Everything posted by atomheartbevo

  1. https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/21/politics/stefanie-lambert-pro-trump-lawyer-arrest/index.html
  2. It all goes back to Grimes leaving him for a trans person and one of his dozen or so kids being trans. He can’t wrap his boomer mentality around it (he’s a boomer in spirit).
  3. I love this guy’s channel, he puts out a lot of good stuff, and he covered the greatest NASCAR season that ever was and ever will be. These tie into it
  4. I swear I’m not looking up Indy Car fires, but the rain-delayed 1997 Indy 500 saw Robby Gordon catch on fire. He tried to get back in the car and restart it, but they made him get medical attention (the burns caused him to miss some NASCAR races). Tony Stewart finished 5th. again, should be the right time stamp below, 8:50.
  5. I didn’t want to clutter up the active race threads. YouTube has thousands of old races. I’ve been watching some old races for a project, and was looking at the Indy Car 1981 Michigan 500 and holy fuck they had a pit fire that’s fucking insane. At one point (35min) one of the pit crew members was on fire and they couldn’t see the flames because it was methanol. At 35:30, you can see Bruce Jenner motioning his cameraman to follow him to the fire, and I’m thinking “Bruce, you dumbass, you’re wearing a polyester shirt and jeans and you’re trying to get close to a fire whose flames you can’t see.” Should be at the right time stamp below for the pit incident. Bonus: Paul Page still had all of his hair (just barely)
  6. Tesla cars don’t have spare tires, so they gotta use something to carry the tires.
  7. Shit, I was thinking of Joe Walsh. My apologies.
  8. This thread continues to remind us that they have nothing to really go after Joe Biden with to help Trump in November, and the fact that they won’t put it to a vote proves it - instead they are just going to try and drag this stuff, all the while it doesn’t change anybody’s mind.
  9. It’s something, Lindsey seems more involved than people thought
  10. Trump really needs Truth Social to succeed, but it also can’t survive without him. But as the RNC and his campaign hurt for money more and more, I wonder if he’ll get back on Twitter to get more of a reach for no cost (other than Truth Social’s value).
  11. He was great in A Few Good Men and Good Morning Vietnam.
  12. https://www.kxan.com/news/texas-politics/ken-paxton-sues-2-more-adult-websites-over-age-verification-law/ He posted the above on Twitter, which is full of porn.
  13. It’s stretched extremely thin if so many drones are making it deep into Russia. If I had to guess, I’d say Moscow, St Petersburg, and their air bases are getting the bulk of air defenses.
  14. Royal stuff brings in a shit-ton of tourist money.
  15. On the flip side, there’s a shit-ton of social media influencer types who are putting out unrealistic lifestyle videos that make the majority of people watching feel like they are living in poverty. We have entire YouTube channels about kids unboxing toys, and it can’t be healthy for other kids to see those videos of some kid opening up a thousand bucks worth of toys in a few minutes. On my bucket list is sailing up and down the East Coast and/or doing the Great Loop, and I occasionally look at videos about it, and I came across one the other night with a couple who bitched about their crappy jobs and tiny apartment and so they quit their jobs, sold everything and got a catamaran to live on, and they are acting like anybody can do it. I looked it up and it was a $750,000 catamaran at minimum. These “glamorous” influencers have got to be doing a number on a lot of their viewers, given how easily their content is spread. When I was a kid in the 80s, there was a show, Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, and it was once a week and not seen by most people. Contrast that with the Kardashians that are non-stop on some TV channels, and all of the lifestyle influencer types who are pervasive across social media.
  16. That would be bold leadership. That would be taking an issue that’s normally confined to the bedroom, or a bathroom at the Texas Chili Parlor or a supply closet at DKR and getting it out there where people can talk about it without being afraid of persecution.
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