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Everything posted by atomheartbevo

  1. Putin having to publicly push another round of conscriptions is a clear sign Russia is hurting for manpower. And plenty of Chechens are probably pissed at Kadryov wasting Chechen lives for Putin. The ISIS declaration is huge.
  2. While I think they will try to blame Ukraine initially, there’s a lot of antsy Muslims in the outer regions and a lot of Russians know that they are an issue, having been down this road with the Chechens. And lest we forget, Russia has been impotent in regards to Armenia and Azerbaijan. Lot of people in outer Russian republics took notice of that. I’m guessing the warning put out by the US Embassy a couple of weeks ago was based on chatter they picked up. I feel like if there was going to be a false flag, it would’ve been before the elections. Maybe the embassy put out the warning two weeks ago because they got wind of a false flag, but it would be easier for Putin to let some missiles or UAVs through to hit deep in Russia.
  3. Not sure who has a higher body count out of the brothers.
  4. And to expand on this slightly since I can’t edit the mini-manifesto above, when Phantom Menace rolled around, we already had some moral ambiguity with Obi-wan, and especially with Qui-Gon Jinn, a respected Jedi Master who was straight up lying to Watto and then rigging the dice roll. I’m probably reading too much into the trailer, but I feel like we are going to see them setting up TPM, basically saying “what went wrong with the Jedi where we went from them being at the height of their power to Palpatine eventually destroying the Jedi Order in less than two centuries?”
  5. There seems to be a trend among the TV show runners (Filoni, Favreau) to try and redeem the Skywalker movies, so I could totally see this show runner pitching a show that would redeem the sequels just as Filoni worked to redeem the prequels. It’s a great selling point “hey I’ll make the hardcore fans like the sequels just like many of them now like the prequels” (never mind that the sequels made the prequels look good). I’d actually kind of like there to be a theme of the Jedi being morally ambiguous, because that could lead to the attitudes non-Jedi have with the Jedi as well as the complacency we have with the Jedi when Phantom Menace rolls around - they could not wrap their minds around the Sith being back, and they let themselves be completely used by Palpatine and then got their asses Order 66’ed. I actually wonder a little bit if the opening of the trailer with the kids is from the end of the series and he’s telling them “we didn’t believe the Sith were still around and we should have been listening to the Force”, even though the one girl mentions the bit about fire. With that said, the show runner really loves the EU and said nobody pushed back on her using some big EU ideas (and arguably the biggest EU idea was Thrawn) and she said that she put some big EU ideas in the early and later episodes. I’d guess it was Sith-related lore, which brings me to this - there’s a lot of stupid fucking takes out there (especially the incels bitching about certain aspects), but I’ve seen multiple people dumbfounded that there might be Sith, because in The Phantom Menace the Sith were supposed to be extinct. Meanwhile, Palps is floating around and he himself had a Sith master, so there were clearly Sith still around, I don’t think it’s Darth Plageus like some wonder, as the math doesn’t work out,
  6. Fox News/MAGA: “oh that was taken out of context!”
  7. This, pretty, pretty good, and loving it in 4K.
  8. A bunch of those students’ parents got together to pay him to speak there, to scare their kids into showing up for class and turning in their assignments.
  9. They won’t match the caliber of those conscripted a year ago. These next conscriptions are going to have a lot of the guys that were not deemed as fit/able-bodied a year or two ago.
  10. Yeah, I knew a lot of WW2 vets as a kid, had a few (or their wives) as teachers in the 70s and then all of the sudden it seemed like they were replace by Vietnam vets (and their wives). And now those guys are in their 70s and up.
  11. A quick glance, and in late 1941, Hawaii’s collective military garrison (US Navy, Marines, Army) was the largest US outpost outside of the Continental US. The US Army alone had over 25,000 soldiers on Oahu (most at Schofield Barracks, some at Wheeler). 20 seems like a lot (and there’s just over 100,000 WWII vets still around), but those who were in the military before December, 1941, would have been promoted up the ranks rapidly as the military went up to 16.1 million Americans, so a lot of them might have been spared being cannon fodder.
  12. Which means that at a minimum, anybody on active duty in 1941 would be turning 100 this year.
  13. Just remember, all the inbreds in the SEC think officials are in the bag for Texas.
  14. This is going to be a fun one to point out to (R) relatives, but causally like “ I think it’s great the Republican Party is directing political donations to Trump’s legal problems rather than down-ballot campaigns, because anybody against that is against Donald Trump and not a real Republican anyways.” George Soros is getting his money’s worth having Trump people destroy the RNC and turning it into an ATM to pay Trump’s personal bills.
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