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Everything posted by Lhorn

  1. This is beyond an embarrassment of riches. This is downright humiliating.
  2. 4 OL in 1 day??!!! Is this real life? Is this some kinda coordinated thing or coincidence?
  3. I’m glad I live in the boring suburbs.
  4. Let the hate flow. Fuck them all indeed
  5. John Hinkley getting out of prison and someone recommended he go to Jersey Mike’s subs? Is that it?
  6. Yeah. I remember it being done in the past in a game that goes WAY into extra innings and they burn through everyone but the guy that threw yesterday and the guy going tomorrow. Even then, they go with a guy with a hose for an arm like the third baseman.
  7. I had alway heard a gallon per person per day. That’s a lot of water sitting around for a family of 4.
  8. Lol. Really throwing the heat there. Dad must have been amused.
  9. That’s amazing. I never would have thought that it would have been that rare. Pretty damn cool.
  10. Horns down when we aren’t even involved is great. It shows we are a big deal and in their heads and shows that they are petty little bitches.
  11. I think they’re Siamese twins. Makes it all the more impressive that he plays with his sister connected to his back.
  12. Pink lemonade. The kind that has absolutely no lemon in it.
  13. That is straight up dis-respect. Do elephants just run wild around there? I feel like if you asked that question normally, the holier than thou types would roll their eyes at how ignorant Americans are, yet it happened. Maybe she was Thomas Edison in a former life
  14. Lhorn

    DeMarco Boyd

    Did he say he was Demarco Boyd? Not that it would be weird for a former player to be selling security systems. I don’t really know what most of the players look like, much less a guy who barely played.
  15. Lol. That’s a really shitty photoshop.
  16. Texas Football: comes out with the aggression of Pantera, plays with the aggression of Starland Vocal Band.
  17. The commercial I saw for this on Tv looked really good. Might have to check it out
  18. Jfc, a neck was not meant to support that kind of weight.
  19. You and your bros don’t get dressed to the nines to go hang out at the local bistro and eat finger sandwiches? Sorry, don’t believe you. what was the commercial associated with the second photo? From the looks on their faces I’d guess a young lady just walked by with her ass hanging out but I’m gonna guess the commercial was actually for a fucking Buick.
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